5 Ways to Get Through Navy Boot Camp

Graduating from high school and wondering what your next step should be? Not everyone goes to college immediately after high school. Some take different paths, and many decide that enlisting in the Navy is the way to go. It won’t be an easy road. A few guys will be overly confident, thinking that a little hand to hand combat training and a couple of Martial Arts Self Defense classes will be enough to get them through. Nothing could be further from the truth. You need to prepare physically and mentally for your time in boot camp.

1. All Navy recruits get their start at boot camp at the Recruit Training Command center in Great Lakes, Illinois. If you have a father or grandfather who was in the Navy, you have probably heard a horror story or two about this place. Don’t let them scare you away from enlisting, though. They made it, and so can you. The first step in making it through to the end is knowing what to expect.

2. First, find an alarm clock that doesn’t have a snooze button on it. You are going to be waking up every morning at 6:00, there will be no more waiting for that extra ten or fifteen minutes to wake up completely. Train your body for the Navy training sleep schedule now, and you will help make the transition a little easier on yourself. You are going to need all the rest you can get.

3. Expect plenty of physical conditioning exercises and tests. Your performance will be measured on several things like situps, pushups and 1.5 mile runs.

4. Expect to exercise your mind too. You will learn a lot of things at boot camp like signaling, seamanship, first-aid, and weapons training. In the beginning you will learn basic safety for weapons. After that, you’ll be out on the range for practice.

5. Expect big changes from boot camp. Once you work through all eight weeks of training, you will notice a lot of new things about yourself. In addition to getting into better shape, you will have received hands-on instruction, and your body will have adjust to a different diet. You’ll things like firefighting and damage control. All the while you will be learning to trust your group members and work as a team.

Things You Will Need

– birth certificates for your spouse and children, if you have any marriage certificate or divorce decree

– prescription medicines

– complete college transcripts, if you have them

– no more than $25.00

– stamps for writing

– medical records

– prescription glasses or contacts

– any court documents regarding child support or alimony

No doubt, joining the Navy will be a very rewarding experience for you. You will learn a number of new skills and find out new things about yourself that you can’t get from any other experience. Enlisting can help you earn money for higher education when you are finished, and it will also look great to potential employers when you include it on your resume.

Author Bio: For more information about hand to hand combat training, please check out Martial Arts Self Defense.

Category: Sports
Keywords: hand to hand combat training, Martial Arts Self Defense

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