4 Rules For Avoiding a Robber

Don’t think, “it will never happen to me,” because the reality is that you just don’t know. If we could predict criminal activity 100% of the time we would be able to completely eliminate crime all across the world. Everyone should learn how to carry themselves on the street. It’s the best way to avoid becoming the next victim. In addition to self defense training courses and Martial Arts Self Defense videos there are plenty of other things you can do to ward off a mugger on the street. Remember these four important rules:

Rule Number 1: Use your common sense and be alert.

You should never go out walking late at night by yourself. Always go with another friend or with a group of people. When you leave your home, tell someone first. Let them know what you are planning to do for the evening and give them the time when you expect you will be back. Call them if your plans change for any reason. Always stay in areas that have good lighting, stay away from dark abandoned streets and alleys. Walk under the streetlights and hold your head up high. Your body language should portray confidence and strength. Listen and watch carefully. If you notice something that looks out of the ordinary or makes you uneasy, don’t just dismiss it. When you’re out don’t keep large amounts of cash on you. Also, leave the fancy jewelry at home.

Rule Number 2: Have a plan in case you are ever attacked.

The first rule of thumb is not to resist giving up your valuables. Your life is way more important, don’t risk losing it for cash or valuables. You should also try to remember any details about the criminal that will help authorities find and prosecute him later.

Rule Number 3: Think smart when you use an ATM.

Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to use ATMs inside banks and other stores instead of stand-alone type ATMs. Take a look at your surroundings before you begin a withdrawal. If you notice something that makes you feel uneasy or scared, cancel the transaction and leave the area. If you have completed a transaction, put the cash away quickly. Don’t count your bills or make a big display of your cash.

Rule Number 4: Be a proactive citizen.

Robbery does more than just hurt the immediate victim. It can make the area seem appealing to other criminals and it can hinder overall safety and security while driving down property values. One of the best things to do to keep this from happening in your neighborhood is to work with your local police department to begin a crime watch program in your community.

You should always have your police department’s non-emergency telephone number handy for reporting any activity that seems particularly unusual or suspicious.

Being proactive can’t completely guarantee your safety, but it can be a good start at thwarting off robbers and keep you, your family, and your belongings safe.

Author Bio: For more information about self defense training, please check out Martial Arts Self Defense.

Category: Society
Keywords: self defense training, Martial Arts Self Defense

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