Rape Recovery Suggestions

It is an unfortunate reality, but many women will find themselves the victim of a rape or sexual assault during their lifetime. It is a horrible experience that no one should ever have to face. Finding a path to recovery and a road to emotional healing after such a traumatic event is long and difficult. For every victim the recovery process will look different. No one can tell you just how to get through this difficult time, but the following suggestions make help you find a launching point to start you on your healing journey.

While we know that no experience is the same for everyone, many of the symptoms that victims face are similar. So regardless of your particular circumstances you can find help.

Immediately following a sexual assault crime, survivors should get attention from a medical professional who can check for internal and external injuries. Once diagnosed, they can be treated appropriately. Many victims aren’t even aware that they have sustained internal injuries, but these injuries can be serious and sometimes life-threatening. The medical professional will probably also ask to perform a rape kit. This medical exam can be used to gather evidence against your attackers and can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

Another difficult moment for you as a victim comes when you are faced with the question of whether or not you file an official police report of the crime. There are some very good reasons to file a report. First, you might find some comfort knowing that your rapist was caught and punished for his actions. You might also be able to gain a sense of closure in addition to helping get your attacker off the streets.

All of that notwithstanding, you may decide it is better for you not to report the crime. There are several good reasons why women choose not to file a report. First of all, investigating the crime and prosecuting the criminal can be a very long drawn out process. It is very hard on victims and there is never a guarantee that the criminal will actually be convicted when all is said and done. It can prove to be a real obstacle for emotional and psychological healing.

When it’s time to move on, one of the things you might want to do is look for activities that can help you feel more empowered and less like a victim of circumstance. Some victims have opted for Martial Arts Training with a class or using a self defense DVD training program. Other victims find that making their homes more secure or carrying pepper spray with them can facilitate healing. Others choose to speak out about their experience and what can be done to prevent future crimes.

In almost every case, group therapy sessions and counseling with a psychiatrist are recommended. Doing this gives you resources for coping with the trauma and gives you a network of people with similar backgrounds to call on when you need someone to talk to. Crisis centers and hotlines can put you in touch with long-term support options if you don’t know where to look.

Author Bio: For more information about self defense dvd, please check out Martial Arts Training.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: self defense dvd, Martial Arts Training

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