Talking to a Girl You Like: The Biggest Barriers to Success

In today’s world, if you’re like a lot of men, you have trouble talking to a girl you like. So don’t worry too much because you’re not alone.

Most of the time, a guy will come across problems because of the barriers that he consciously or subconsciously puts up that block his success with women. In this article I’m going to go into the main barriers that you put up and how to overcome them in order to talk to a girl you like successfully.

Barrier Number 1: Thinking You Have To Impress Her

When you are having a conversation with a girl you like you do NOT have to try and impress her. Trying to hard to impress a woman will backfire because it will show that you feel that you are not worthy of her. This is a turn off to women. They want to be led, not followed.

You do not have to pretend to be someone you’re not just to impress her. If you’re not Mr. Macho, then don’t pretend to be. If you’re not a comedian, then don’t pretend to be. Women will appreciate confidence and a positive attitude but not someone who pretends to be someone else. Also, if you don’t own an expensive sports car, don’t tell her you do. There’s nothing women hate more than a liar. So don’t do it. Also, if you’re not a doctor, don’t tell you her are. If you’re the manager at a fast food restaurant then tell her you “work in management” but don’t get into specifics.

Barrier Number 2: Using Safe and Boring Conversation Cliches

Talking to a girl you like should include exciting and interesting conversation. You shouldn’t be wasting your time asking her what she does for a living, where’s she’s from, or what she’s studying. Don’t be that guy. Unless you look like Brad Pitt you need to be an interesting conversationalist. Ask her specifics about music, movies, art, and culture. If you’re in a bar and you can’t get too deep into art (or you don’t know much about art) ask her about a specific item of clothing she’s wearing. Tell her that it “suits her well” and then ask her to elaborate on the story behind it. Then when she’s done talking ask her a question or make a comment about something specific that she said. This will show her that you are a good listener and that is VERY good!

Barrier Number 3: Being Afraid Of Confidence

Women are attracted to men with confidence. It’s just the way it is. If you’re a guy who doesn’t have confidence but wants to really hit it off when you talk to a girl you like then you have to work on building your confidence. You don’t have any choice.

Building your confidence when you talk to girls is not an easy thing to do but it is something that every man is capable of. You just have to put in a little work. Confidence is not born in us so it takes a little practice to get right.

What is confidence? It’s being a guy who’s happy with who they are. A confident guy is happy with his life, his job, his clothes, his looks, etc. He doesn’t get down on himself for not being something he’s not. That’s really all confidence really is. It’s being more than okay with who you are and where you are in life. When women see a man with this type of attitude they are drawn to him almost instinctually. And a really confident man doesn’t have to look like a movie star to get girls to want him. A confident man with poor looks will win over a handsome man with no confidence any day of the week.

These barriers can be overcome with a little practice. Just keep on doing and don’t give up. Eventually after you’ve practiced for a while you’ll find that all this stuff will just come naturally.

Author Bio: Click Here to discover how to overcome fear and develop a plan when Talking To Women .

Category: Dating
Keywords: talking to a girl you like, talking to girls, talking to women, relationships, dating, meeting women

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