Oxybenzone and Benzophenone in Sunscreens Can Cause Skin Wrinkles!

One of the causes of skin wrinkles is UV-induced damage to the skin’s cells. There are compounds that help protect against the damage and others that increase the damage. Here’s a look at what’s good and what’s bad for your skin’s health and appearance.

Some sources say that the sun is primarily responsible for the visible signs of aging, but most people need some sun exposure in order for their bodies to produce vitamin D, an important antioxidant essential to good health.

Overexposure to the sun contributes to an aged appearance and plays a role in skin cancer. When those facts became public knowledge, cosmetic companies began adding sunscreen to everything from facial cleanser to body lotion. Most of the anti-aging products on the market contain a sunscreen ingredient or two.

Doctors believe the increased use of sunscreen is partially responsible for an increased incidence of vitamin D deficiency seen in recent years. Research suggests that some sunscreen ingredients may increase a person’s risk of skin cancer by increasing the amount of UV damage done during sun exposure.

That evidence means that sunscreens could also contribute to skin wrinkles. Both problems are related to UV damage. The cells may be damaged directly or indirectly. Damage to cellular membranes and DNA strands can occur. When the cell’s DNA is damaged, it can mutate and form a cancerous cell.

Oxybenzone and benzophenone are two of the sunscreens mentioned in scientific studies. They probably do more harm than good.

Some parabens have been shown to have the same effect. They increase the amount of damage that occurs during UV exposure.

Parabens are the most commonly used artificial preservatives. Most cosmetics contain two or three of them. They cause allergic reactions and now we know they may contribute to skin wrinkles and other visible signs of aging by increasing UV damage.

These are the reasons that some of the best anti-aging creams are free of parabens and sunscreens. There are times when you should use a good zinc oxide sun block. A day at the beach is an example. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s a good idea to wear a hat to protect your face and to use UV-blocking sunglasses to protect the delicate area around your eyes.

Regardless of how much time you spend outdoors or your current age, your skin’s health and appearance will benefit from the regular use of a cream containing nano-particles of coenzyme Q10. The particles have been shown to reverse sun damage and skin wrinkles by an average of 30% after three months of daily use.

Antioxidants like vitamin E are known to help prevent sun damage. One of the best anti-aging formulas on the market contains vitamin E and the nano-particles of coenzyme Q10, as well as other nourishing ingredients.

You may be aware of how good nutrition affects the health of the inside of your body. It affects the outside too. Some nutrients work to fight skin wrinkles when they are applied directly. That’s the good stuff.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best natural skin care products. The products she discovered use a proprietary blend of natural ingredients like extrapone nutgrass root to even out skin pigmentation. To learn more visit her skin firming site.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: skin wrinkles

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