How to Throw a Great Dinner Party

For many people the idea of throwing a dinner party for friends is an exciting one but when it comes down to actually planning and executing it panic sets in. Will the food be ok? What music should I play? What is it for? Should it be formal or informal?

All perfectly reasonable questions of course, but there’s no need to panic. You can throw a wonderful dinner party by following these simple steps.

Initial Planning

Start by coming up with a reason for the party. If you’ve got something to celebrate then make that the reason. If it’s to catch up with old friends you haven’t seen in a while, there’s your reason. The point is it sets the tone and helps you decide on the type of dinner party you’re going to create.

Now decide on the date and time of your party. Don’t worry too much about fitting in with the guests – if you do that you’ll never get a date set. Choose a day that gives you enough time to get everything ready, ideally at least a couple of weeks ahead.

Put together your guest list and bear in mind that as you’re picking the date some of your intended guests may not be able to make it. This means you’ll need to decide on the maximum number of guests you think you can handle and plan around that, but in reality you’ll be probably be one or two short. DON’T WORRY! This is perfectly normal.

Choose a style for your dinner party – will it be a casual affair or do you plan a formal, sit down dinner? The reason for the party and the guests you intend to invite will determine this.

Once that’s decided you can now invite your guests. If you’re having a casual event give everyone a week’s notice and just ring round or email. If it’s more formal, give a couple of weeks notice at least and send proper written invitations.

Food, Drink & Decor

Now you know who is coming and what sort of party you are planning you can plan your menu. For the more casual affair – especially if you plan to hold it outside – you could consider a buffet, offering sandwiches, finger foods like chicken goujons and deep fried prawns and small cakes and Danish pastries.

If you’d prefer a sit down dinner you can still keep it informal with a chilli con carne or spaghetti bolognaise followed by a pie, cake or trifle for example.

For a more formal dinner party you’ll want to do more planning. At least three courses will be expected with a starter, main course and desert. You can also offer cheese and biscuits and a coffee course too.

DON’T go overboard though – keep the dishes simple to cook. They will still prove delicious. A cold starter like prawn cocktail or anti pasti can be prepared hours in advance and always go down well. Be slightly more extravagant with the main course, consider duck or a creative beef dish, with side dishes of vegetables. This is where most of your work will go, so make sure you’re actually up to the task! Dessert can be prepared in advance too – why not a chocolate mousse served in fancy glass bowls?

For drinks, beer and red and white wine will be fine for a casual affair, whereas carefully chosen wines and even champagne can be offered for the more formal dinner party. Keep on hand soft drinks like water and orange juice for the teetotallers and drivers.

Finally the decor and ambience. Whether formal or informal, candles are a great way to set the mood. Consider using designer glass candle holders such as those by designer Orrefors as an alternative to traditional candle holders for a more formal dinner party, while for the casual event the large standalone candles on dishes will work well.

Get your best silver, china and crystal out for the formal dinner party. For serving plates use platters. Again, to continue the theme, glass platters from the likes of Orrefors would be ideal.

Use nice cutlery and plates for the informal dinner party, not your best and if it is an outdoor, buffet style party seriously consider paper plates. NEVER plastic cutlery and glasses though. It isn’t a picnic!

By following these simple steps and ALWAYS giving yourself enough time to get things done your dinner party will go without a hitch and your guests will leave happy – and prepared to come back for another. When you’re ready, of course!

Author Bio: Trevor Richards is writing on behalf of Pyramid Designer Glassware & Gifts, retailers of Orrefors designer glassware.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: dinner party, dinner parties, planning, advice

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