How to Sell Your Home in 21 Days

Are you starting to get anxious because your property isn’t selling?

Or maybe you’re just thinking about selling, and you’re not sure how buyers will react…

Of course a couple of years ago, anyone could have unloaded their home easily… just name your asking price, place an ad in the newspaper or hire a Realtor, and BINGO… SOLD!

But that’s not happening in the current real-estate market.

What may have worked then, isn’t working so well today.

In fact, the statistics state that your home may very well ‘sit’ unsold for up to one year.

The game has changed!

… and if you don’t change with it, you may be left out in the cold!

I Was A Desperate Home Seller Until…

Hi, I’m Pete Iannelli, a.k.a. “The 21-Day Guy.” I reside in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and let me get right to the point…

I’m not a Realtor or real estate investor, nor am I actively involved in the ‘real estate market’ per se.

But not long ago I owned a small 2/1 condo that I was desperately trying to sell – as fast as possible.

It was costing me nearly $1000.00 a month sitting there empty after I’d kicked out a dead-beat renter. And I was running out of cash, fast!

So I listed my house the conventional way with a Realtor just like millions of people do everyday…

But for the first month and a half, I got absolutely zero response! No traffic was going in which meant no offers were coming out.

And this occurred even after I reduced my asking price $30,000 from the original listing of $179,000!

“How much lower did I need to go?”

The real estate market was pretty much at a stand-still; buyers weren’t buying much and sellers weren’t selling much.

To make matters worse, my homeowners association prohibited any “FOR SALE” signs from being placed in anyone’s front yard. Sheesh!

It was all soooooo frustrating!

To avoid foreclosure, I knew I needed to act fast. So I took a gamble and did something drastic to bring attention to my home… AND IT WORKED!

People started calling me. Even better, they couldn’t wait to come see it.

I couldn’t believe it!

The end result? Within 21 days after having made just ONE change to my listing, my Realtor received multiple offers from several buyers, and the rest was easy. Finally, my house was S-O-L-D!

It was the same house, same street, same interior.

And anyone can use the very same strategy that I did – with or without a Realtor!

And it all started after I placed a tiny breakthrough classified ad in my local newspaper like this…

(You can also use it on the internet. Find out more about this unique AD in your Free Chapter further down below.)

In the end, I walked away with a cool net profit of $76,000!

**If You Do Nothing Else — And Time Is Of The Essence — Click Below & Use The Same Exact Formula I Did And Get Top Dollar Value For Your Home!”

For more info call 404-644-0028

Getting back to my story… once I sold my house, I got the chance to see if it was possible for lightning to strike twice.

At the time, my older brother, a physical therapist, was experiencing the very same scenario as I had earlier.

His dilemma involved trying to unload a piece of rental property located in Port St. Lucie, FL, that he’d purchased a couple years back during the end of the real estate boom.

Now, all it was to him, was a vacant, money-sucking headache. The renter bailed out and my brother lived 200 miles away from the property.

At that point he just wanted to get rid of it! (In fact, he had to take out a loan just to keep up with making the payments!)

So he listed it with a Realtor and it had an asking price of $209K … just about the same price like so many other houses-for-sale in the area.

And it sat and sat and sat, practically unnoticed.

Fast Implementation!

It wasn’t long before he and I were sitting around his kitchen table, eating and discussing what it was, exactly, that I’d done to get my house sold so quickly.

He listened intently and was surprised at how his kid brother came up with such a practical concept for selling one’s property… that hardly anyone else was using.

We then scanned the real-estate ads in the newspaper and viewed houses for sale on the internet, all the while discussing the strategies I’d used, tossing scenarios back and forth to each other the whole time.

When we finished, all he could say was, “This sounds like it’ll work! I gotta go call my Realtor and tell her the new game plan.”

He then placed one specifically-worded ad in the local newspaper and I showed him how to place another (free) ad on the internet. (It’s real simple).

To make a long story short, in two weeks his place sold for $199K and he was more than happy. Meanwhile, the rest of the houses in that same area continued to “sit” there, even though some had reduced the price further.

“Don’t Fall Into The ‘Pricing Trap’… If Your Home Isn’t Selling As Fast As You’d Like, Don’t Even Think About Reducing The Asking Price One More Penny Until You Finish Reading This Special Report!”

Not long after that, a co-worker of a friend of mine overheard me talking about “the sale” and starting grilling me about the strategy I used for my house as well as my brother’s house.

We knew each other from the past. His name was Joe. Joe was nearing retirement from the post office and he and his wife were ready to pack it all up afterward and move to North Carolina.

The only thing keeping him stuck in Florida was his “can’t sell 2/2 condo” as he referred to it … His property had been on the market for over four months with little activity and he was really stressed out by it all.

As I talked to him, I found out he had listed it originally for $220k and it was now lingering on the market at $204k.

In all that time he had not even received one written offer!

After sizing up his situation, I tossed a bold statement at him:

“Joe, I’ll help you sell your house in 3 weeks! You can keep the same Realtor and everything,” I said.

I then explained the procedure briefly to him, but Joe’s wife was dead set against it and refused.

Their house languished another month without activity… Finally, Joe insisted on using my strategy and his wife reluctantly agreed.

And with Joe’s house, I followed EXACTLY the same steps as I did two houses earlier and felt even more confident about using my techniques.

I practically led him by the hand as we executed each step. We then called his Realtor, told her what was going on, and instructed her to reword the description in the MLS listing.

Then his ad appeared in the local newspaper…

“Joe, now we sit back and wait for the response,” I explained.

And just like clockwork, it happened again…

Same Procedure, Same Results!

In a few days, the phone started ringing, people started talking, Joe and I forwarded phone numbers, instructions, and important information to his Realtor, other Realtors began communicating with Joe’s Realtor, appointments were made…

… And the whole, spinning, buzzing operation, was set off, spiraling into motion!

After a little more than two weeks from the time traffic started flowing into Joe’s place, his Realtor had received numerous offers.

Joe actually selected the second highest offer because his Realtor informed him that the buyers financial situation was much stronger and they were willing to plunk down a large chunk of cash, thereby needing a smaller loan for the property. Done deal.

He was happy, his wife was happy, the Realtor and the buyers were happy, and ME… I was hooked! Three houses, three sales! And I’d never had any strong taste for “real estate” before in my life!

I now realized I had a proven SYSTEM in place. This was truly a step-by-step, 1-2-3, paint-by-the-numbers formula for selling one’s property in a sluggish housing market – and getting the best market value for it.

Author Bio: Lavell Foster is a Freelance Writer,Finance Consultant and a Counselor. You can contact him at

Category: Real Estate

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