Treating Genital Warts – Is Home Care Effective?

Did you notice some flesh colored growth in your genital area this morning? If you did then in all probability you have been affected by genital warts. These warts are also referred to as venereal warts and the scientific name they are known by is condyloma acuminata. The warts are actually the representation of a very common sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus. The virus is called human papillomavirus (HPV). Mostly these warts are caused by HPV 6 and HPV 11 and are low risk. However, the warts caused by HPV 16, 18, 31 and 45 are high risk and may lead to cervical cancer. This is the reason why genital warts treatment is important.

Home Care

It all starts at home. The primary reason for this is these warts are usually without any kind of symptoms. This makes home care extremely important. The first step to treating the warts at home is recognizing them and realizing that you have been affected by the warts. So, how can you treat the warts at home?

1) Take measures to prevent any kind of trauma in the area affected by the warts.

2) Be careful and take steps to avoid the transmission of the warts to your sexual partner.

3) The warts are infectious. So do not touch, prick or squeeze them.


Medications make a relatively effective genital warts treatment. However, before applying any medicine consult a doctor. The most common medications are:

1) Podophyllum Resin – This is topically applied on the genital warts by a practitioner.

2) Podofolix – It has a high rate of cure and you can topically apply it at home. It is also good for prevention of these warts.

3) Trichloroacetic Acid – This is also topically applied and it may cause a bit of pain or burning. However the response is incomplete and the warts may recur.

4) 5 Fluorouracil – It is a long term treatment. It can cause burning and has side effects.

5) Imiquimod – comes in the form of a cream. It can cause skin irritation.

Medical Treatment

Medical genital warts treatment is quite effective in getting rid of the warts. However you need to remember that there is no effective single cure for warts. It is not possible to eliminate human pappilomavirus once it has occurred. There are a few medical treatments but none is 100% effective. The treatments are:

1) Cryotherapy – In this technique the genital warts are frozen with the help of cryoprobe or liquid nitrogen. If you want first line treatment this is a great option. The response rate is high and the side effects are very few and not that severe.

2) Laser therapy – If you have extensive warts or warts that keep on recurring then you can opt for this treatment. The laser is used to physically destroy the warts. It may require regional anesthesia. However it is quite costly and you will need a lot of time to recuperate. The viral particles from the plumes of the laser may cause scarring.

3) Electrodisscetion – In this treatment electric current is used to destroy the warts. However the smoke plumes can prove infectious. This may require local anesthesia.

Author Bio: For more information on quick and safe genital warts treatment, visit now.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: genital warts treatment,treating genital warts

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