Obama Processing Asia Challenge no Former President Decisive

Barack Obama during a recent United Nations General Assembly, with Asian leaders on economic and security issues held several meetings. But some analysts say, in dealing with the challenges facing the Asian region, Obama is clearly not as good as his predecessor did well.

Asia on the U.S. economy and national security increasingly important

Held during the UN General Assembly a series of meetings, U.S. President Barack Obama is trying to underscore the U.S. view of the current government in Asia, he thinks the United States in Asia increasingly important economic and national security.

Last week, Obama held a luncheon for the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian leaders. Previously, he had said to strengthen the security of the United States and partnerships in the region, especially in the face of an increasingly confident China’s rise challenges. In addition, increased trade with Asia was Obama Martinique on the agenda, as he told the leaders of Southeast Asian countries, the United States trade with these countries, millions of Americans to ensure that the work is essential.

On this day, Obama also with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks for two hours.

The Asian challenge to the current United States government is unsuccessful

Obama paid more attention to Asia is really greater than the former, is unclear. But some Asian analysts said that so far, in dealing with the region facing the most serious challenges, the current U.S. government has not any signs of success. North Asia experts in Washington think tank Heritage Foundation, Bruce – Klinger said: “‘return to Asia, the U.S. government’s basic features of the Obama’ idea is a completely false, the administration is doing now, for the to promote relations with China does not effect the current U.S. government does not solve the problems emerging in Asia, such as Myanmar and North Korea. ”

Barack Obama and Wen Jiabao talks, the only relations in the United States issued a positive statement. Obama stressed that cooperation and the two large countries should respect each other, insisting that the world will the relationship between the two countries as a key factor in a range of security issues.

However, a series of moves in recent months the U.S. has angered China, such as the United States and South Korea near the Chinese coast near the sea drills. Heritage Foundation, Klinger said: “The lengthy discussion of monetary issues and the election of Congress reflects the attitude of Obama is not clear, but apparently this is indeed a big issue of Sino-US relations.”

Difficult to achieve U.S. objectives in multilateral diplomacy

Between the U.S. and Southeast Asian countries at the second formal meeting, the two sides was seen as an important step into the institutionalization of dialogue. But in fact, the meeting did not include the largest members of ASEAN – Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, so from the United States to achieve the objectives of multilateral diplomacy is still far away. Indonesia officials said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as Indonesia’s domestic affairs and sick, unable to go to New York for the General Assembly. But some analysts said Asia, the real reason may be repeatedly postponed visit to Indonesia, Obama expressed dissatisfaction.

Obama is now re-plan to visit Indonesia in November. He announced last week, has accepted the invitation of ASEAN, will attend the 2011 East Asia Summit held in Jakarta. Southeast Asian countries, the United States as a shoulder to lean on, especially those with the existence of the so-called China’s “territorial dispute” in the country. Obama need to focus in Asia was also Sino-Japanese relations between China and Japan become more intense due to the collision.

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