The Bottom Line Concerning HomeJobStop

With the rising numbers of unemployed individuals in the country and the state of the world economy, it’s no wonder that there had been so much talk about home based job opportunities. If you’ve done your share of searching for these kinds of opportunities then you may have come across an online job directory services from the website It is quite similar to job finder websites such as However, it only specializes with home based jobs that involve online work. The HomeJobStop directory also claims to feature a system that can effectively weed out scams from legitimate job sources. It’s goals and features does indeed set a good impression however the real question for many people is the quality of the job sources that it has on it’s database. Is it even worth looking into?

That is exactly what I intend to find out when I was initiating this review. We certainly do not wish to see any of our efforts go in vain and for most people who are actually in desperate need for jobs, any form of disappointment would be the last thing that they’ll need.

While checking out, I’ve found several factors that bring this home-based job directory on a positive note. First off, the cost of actually jumping in to it is remarkably cheap. You can get everything that the website has to offer for a measly $24. This somehow makes me wonder about the quality of services that they offer but it certainly doesn’t cost you much to find out. Furthermore, HomeJobStop is a Clickbank product which means that you do have the option to request for a refund if you are in any way unhappy with their services. You should then receive your refund within a period of 60 days. HomeJobStop also assures you that the job sources you’ll find in their database are all legitimate. It appears that the system had set high standards and restrictions with regards to the job posting process to ensure just that.

Having mentioned all the positive things about this particular home based job directory system, I would like to mention a couple of cons that everyone should consider before deciding to jump in. First on this list is the fact that there seems to be little or no guidance at all once you signup for their service. It’s all good that they made an effort to filter out scams and fraudulent sources on their listings but I believe that its average user can use so much more. It would have helped greatly if they set provisions on how to get you started. I’ve also found that the income potential of the jobs being offered online is barely sufficient and I’d imagine that anyone working full time on this would make just enough to get by. Not to mention that these are all random jobs and doesn’t offer any real career development. I know for a fact that many of those who seek to do home based online jobs do it for the personal freedom and control that it offers. However, I firmly believe that anyone would be better off setting up their own online business. Working a home based online job would also mean being an independent contractor with no real job stability and requires you to do your own taxes in accordance with the provisions of a 1099 independent contractor.

The Verdict

In an effort to be as unbiased as possible in drawing this review to a close, I would say that does a very good job of providing home based online work for those who really need it. There are also a lot of positive reviews and opinions about the quality of their services. However, I must say that there are more rewarding alternatives to such home based job opportunities. Setting up your own business online can be much more profitable. If you are going to work online, why don’t you do it for yourself and manage your own business? I believe it takes just about the same amount of effort. Don’t you think so? Please feel free to share your own thoughts on this and post a review below.

Author Bio: P.S. Want to learn more about Reviews?…Discover the truth in a candid and no-nonsense look at HomeJobStop Review . Click the link!

Category: Internet

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