Maintaining the Best Quality of Brick-Walled Homes

The use of brick is one of the methods done in the construction of houses. They have long been used and even up to now, you can see some designs of homes which utilize bricks of different sizes. They are very appealing to the eyes and the material is considered very durable for home construction. In order to experience its quality for a longer period of time, you must know how to maintain it in good shape.

When you have brick-walled homes, you must do a regular check-up always. You must not only check on the consistency of the brick but also the mortar that keeps this building material together. With time and different types of weather, moss can grow or there is molds formation and this can lessen the quality of your mortar and bricks. Try to brush them away while you still can to prevent damage.

Moreover, you need to check the mortar whether they are already chipping out. This means that you have to repair any damages by filling in the gaps created by crumbling mortar. You would not want to neglect this problem because it can bring some major headache and body pain like you have been hit hard with streetwise stun guns especially when your whole house is already deteriorating and you did not do anything about it.

Aside from that, if there are vines slowly growing on your wall then you can try to cut them before they stick to the bricks. You must remember that they can ruin the quality of this type of building material. The beautiful vines can be very nice to look at but if you would think of its effects on the walls then you must not allow them to creep and grow.

In addition, if you have a brick house, you must have the knowledge that it has weep holes that allows the moisture on the walls to drain. But just like other drainage, it can be clogged by some materials like dirt, leaves and other things and they can affect the removal of moisture or water. Make sure to include it as part of your inspection and clear it from any clog.

Aside from the molds and moss formation, accumulation of moisture and growth of plants or vines, you must also watch out for the formation of salt crystals. This can ruin the consistency of your bricks and it also changes its color. The good thing is that, you can easily remove them by brushing it or using an agent that will help take away the salt crystals.

Lastly, replace any bricks which are damaged. You would not want to jeopardize your whole home structure just because you were not able to replace a few bricks. That is why gather the necessary materials like your mortar to lay efficiently your new bricks and of course your chisel to remove first the damaged or broken ones.

Maintaining your home is just like how you take care of your zap stun guns. You make sure that every part is in good condition. The bricks that make up your walls are important parts of your home. You must maintain it at its best quality so that you will not experience any problems.

Author Bio: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of which provides a good variety of Stun Baton and Tazer for personal protection. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit

Category: Home Management
Keywords: home construction,brick-walled home,brick house,building material,streetwise stun guns,zap stun guns

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