How to Get Ex-Girlfriend Back After a Breakup

Breaking up with your girlfriend, especially the one whom you truly love can be a very heart wrenching experience for most guys. Especially more so if the guy was the one being dumped. Whatever the state of emotion that you are going through, do understand that couples do break up all the time and the good news is that often times, they do get back together again.

So you have to decide if you want to have your ex-girlfriend back or want to let her go. Although couples do get back together, there are no guarantees that the relationships will be 100% successful and breakups may and do occur again. It that does happen in your case, will you be able to take the emotional trauma again? That is the decision you have to make if you want to try to repair the relationship.

Do understand that repairing a damaged relationship will take some time, plenty of patience and place a heavy demand on your ability to be positive about it. If you have all these elements, then your chances of getting together again will be much higher.

The goal then is to make your girlfriend wants you again. There is no other way. Until she is emotionally ready to want you back again, nothing that you say or do will have any positive effect. Many guys commit the grave mistake of trying too hard to get their ex-girlfriends back before giving the girls the chance to miss them. If she breaks up with you for another guy, you should still give her the chance to miss you for simply two reasons.

Firstly, if she does gets along with the other guy, this is the time for you to let her go and not waste time and emotion in trying to win her back anymore. The next reason is that the other guy may not be her man and that makes her realized that you are the one for her.

Yes, it may seem weird to some of you to give your ex-girlfriend some space and some may even think of it as an unwise strategy. However, do understand that she broke up with you for various specific reasons. She may be also going through an emotional trauma just like you. Thus you should walk away with dignity like a gentleman unlike some guys who made fools of themselves by pleading and weeping losing all self-respect and the little respect their ex still had for them in the process.

By doing this, she will understand that you are giving her space to piece her own life together and at the same time earn some admiration for your self composure and dignity from her.

Assuming that she broke off with you not because of another guy, then the longer you can go without contacting her, the lonelier she ought to feel. When she feels lonely, she will naturally think of the good times both of you had in the past. The more she thinks about those times, the more she will think of wanting you back.

At this time, you must resist all your urges to contact her. This is because when she hears from you, she will be in a comfortable position of knowing that she can get back to you anytime she fancies and this will only uncomfortably prolong your break up.

So how to make her want you back at this time? Well, since she is already lonely, she may have asked some mutual friends how you are doing or those friends voluntarily offer your information to her. The idea is then to make her a tad jealous of your situation.

For instance while she is brooding away and missing you, you get on with your life normally and even have a great time. You may even take a vacation to get away and relax or visiting clubs enjoying the company of other girls. However, do not carry this too far or else she may give up and move on with her own life thinking that the breakup is final, at least as far as you are concerned.

At this point in time, if she really wants you back, she will either contact you directly or get a mutual friend to arrange a meeting. If she does not do that, then get on with your own life and decide that it is time to move on. So you have to decide do you really want to get your ex-girlfriend back from a breakup after all?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a sought after fitness and relationship consultant who counts models, actors and other celebrities as his clients. Read his free articles at How to win ex-girlfriend back and Sexually attract girls

Category: Dating
Keywords: ex-girlfriend, how to win back, breakup, breaking up

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