House Training Your Puppy

It is critical to be sure that when you first get your puppy you begin to housetrain them. Puppies that are left to use the bathroom where they please will continue to do this as they grow older, and it will become much more difficult to train them.

It is not as hard as people think to housetrain their puppies, and it usually takes about two weeks of consistency before the dog is house trained:

1. Always be consistent when house training you puppy.
2. You need to be ready to start the training as soon as you get your dog.
3. Be sure that you already have a collar, leash, and a place you want your dog to use , and can keep on a schedule.
4. It can take many weeks to retrain a do that has become accustomed to eliminating in the house.

The first thing that needs to be done when you get your pup, is they need to see a vet to be sure that they are healthy and do not have intestinal parasites, or other problems that can make house training almost impossible.

You can choose whether the whole yard is for them to do their business, or a special area that you have already decided on using for this purpose. Make sure that you have decided though, or else your uncertainty will be transferred to your dog, and they will become confused.

Your puppy doesn’t know they have done something wrong until you tell them. Be sure to never yell or hit your puppy if they have an accident, as this will do nothing but make them scared of you, and this can be detrimental in the relationship between you and your puppy. Let them know that you aren’t happy, but don’t go overboard.

Tell them no when they use the bathroom in the house, and make sure you show them attention and praise when they do their business outside. Puppies like to do things that make your happy, so they will remember being praised, and want to continue to make your pleased with them.

To get the most out of housetraining, get a schedule and stick to it. This must be done if you want your dog to only eliminate outside.

Avoid giving your dog things that could mess up his digestive system, since this can make housetraining much more difficult.

Know when your dog is to wake up and go to sleep, that way you can take them out as soon as they wake up, and before they retire for the night.

Young puppies need to take naps quite frequently, so make sure that you will be able to be there when your pup wakes up. The puppy will need to use the bathroom each time they awaken from one of their naps.

Be aware that if the pup is scared or overly excited, they will probably need to use the bathroom, and could have an accident in the house. Usually, after a few days, your dog will have the ability to control their urges to use the bathroom for up to eight hours at nighttime.

With some determination and patience, you can successfully housetrain your puppy, making the relationship between the two of you much better.

Author Bio: Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at – where you can find dog beds, cute dog leashes, and more unique dog gear that you’ll never find at your local pet store.

Category: Pets
Keywords: dogs,pets,dog training,puppy training,housebreaking a dog,dog obedience training

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