How to Make Your Thighs Bigger

Your legs are made up of three groups of muscles; the frontal thigh muscles called the “quadriceps”, the muscles at the back of your thigh called the “hamstring” (which acts like a bicep), and the calf muscles on the lower leg. How to make your thighs bigger, you need to learn the exercises for ALL the muscles of your legs.

For the average person, the legs make up two-thirds of their overall body weight. Unlike the torso which is essentially hollow but filled with both organs and air spaces, the legs are solid muscle. Therefore, being large muscles, the legs and in particular the thighs will require lots of exercise in order get them bigger.

There is much written about working out the legs, and many, many exercises that can be done to make your thighs bigger. Here we’ll just touch on a few you can try.

The Squat

Arguably, the best exercise workout for getting your thighs bigger is the squat. Because squats require quite a lot of exertion, they are usually only used by serious bodybuilders rather than just for a general workout. Preferably, squats are performed with barbells, but they can be done with a weight-loaded Smith machine.

Squats can be performed with the weight on your shoulders, or held in front at chest level. They can also be done with the heels raised or on flat feet. However they are performed, you should never lock your legs out straight when coming up, as the tension then comes off your muscles.

You can use a bench as a gauge of how far to come down, or just keep going until your bottom hits your heels. Where you point your knees and how far apart you put your feet determines whether you work the inner, outer or upper thighs.

A key to how to make your thighs bigger is to perform several different types of squats for three sets of ten repetitions.

– Barbell Squat
Using an Olympic bar, weights and a squat rack, raise your heels and come down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. You should use as much weight as you can handle, enough so you struggle to do the ten reps.

– Barbell Squat Wide Stance
Elevate your heels and spread your legs wide, then point your knees outward as you squat. This will workout your inner thighs.

– Hack Squat
Hold the barbell down behind your buttocks, and with your heels raised, squat until the weights almost touch the floor

Leg Presses

– Leg Press Machine
The placement of your feet on the foot pads while seated will determine if you work out inner, outer or upper thighs.

– Decline Leg Press Machine
The same applies here as above in regards to feet placement. The buttocks can also get worked depending on how deep you go.

Leg Extension Machine
Leg extensions work all portions of muscles in the thighs.

Thigh Curls
Thigh curls will build really help to build your hamstrings. You can use a thigh curl machine or a cable-and-pulley machine with ankle straps.

Abductor and Adductor Machines
These machines work both your inner thighs and your hip flexors. It is important to develop these areas as they add to the overall look of your thighs. If these machines are unavailable, a cable-and-pulley machine may be enough.

Dumbbell Lunges
These will build the muscles on the rear of the thigh, including your buttocks. They’re also great for the hips and flexibility of the lower body.

These exercises combined will unlock the secret to how to make your thighs bigger.

Author Bio: For more great info on bodybuilding and nutrition come and check out and get the help you deserve.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to make your thighs bigger, bigger thighs,build bigger thighs

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