Colour Consultants – Your Secret Fashion Tool

We are all influenced by colour every day, whether we realise it or not – it is so prevalent in our world. We admire it and appreciate it and are in awe of it’s beauty. The colours created by Mother Nature in the setting of the sun or a field of spring flowers can evoke an overwhelming feeling of reverence. Even a whole science exists on the psychology of colour and how certain colours elicit certain feelings and memories. And, according to spiritual healing, we are drawn to the colours needed to create balance in our lives, the goal in all healing. With so much reverence and importance placed on colour in our world why do we tend to give it little credence when it comes to what we wear?

A colour consultant will tell us that we wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time. That of that 20%, most of those garments will be black or neutrals. The unfortunate truth is that we do wear a lot of black because it is a “no brainer”, it’s goes with almost everything and it’s always in fashion. You can be forgiven for resorting to black in the winter dreary months of the year; however, we are blessed by the fact that living in Australia those winter months are a minority.

The start of Spring / Summer means it’s time to refresh your wardrobe and we become inspired by the new fashion colours and the warmer weather to venture out and dabble in trying on some of those light and bright summery colours. Before doing so though, buyers beware! It looks as though we’re in for a very green-based season with a wide variety being featured in the palette; though also prevalent are pinks, blues, browns and even a neon green. Before you end up having a meltdown in the change room because you are not sure which of these new fashion colours suit or even how to combine them, consider engaging the services of a Colour Consultant.

Wearing your best range of colours can have a huge impact on your wardrobe and your confidence. The right colours can make your skin tone appear more even, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles and make you look brighter and healthier. While on the other hand wearing a colour which isn’t so good for you, can make you look tired, dull and even ill. Based on your own skin, hair and eye colour, a colour consultant will show you exactly which range of colours are best for your clothing, makeup and accessories.

If you can answer “yes” to having a veritable rainbow of unloved and unworn garments already hanging in your wardrobe then a Colour Consultant will be an investment and help you to avoid the same mistakes again. In short, our fashion colour choices tell the world a lot about us. Knowing how to use colour to your advantage can change the way you dress and boost your self-confidence.

Author Bio: Michele Gillett is a qualified colour consultant expertly trained by The Australian Image Company, one of the world’s most respected image organisations. Having 20 years experience as an image consultant in the beauty and image business she has mentored and trained men and women from diverse backgrounds. Need more information on how to dress for success then visit

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: colour consultants, fashion consultants, colour consultant

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