Do Snacks Keep You Healthy in a Boot Camp

Nutritional experts and dieticians have always advised eating snacks between meals to stay healthy and fit. Instead of gorging on food to bursting point during lunch and dinner; eating small portions and filling in between with healthy snacks puts less strain on the digestive system and also keeps one more active and alert.

Lots of obese people have brought on this condition because of their huge intake of calories when sitting down to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. They usually attack the food with vengeance as if there is no tomorrow and end up with fat accumulation and an overworked liver and pancreas. When food loaded with too much sugar, salt and calories is pushed down the throat all at once, the whole internal digestive mechanism and metabolism is thrown off balance, something like entertaining too many guests in a studio apartment.

The pancreas responsible for breaking down the sugar molecules have too much to handle and the insulin secretions are released beyond the call of duty. On the other hand, when there is too much gap between meals and the stomach is left empty of food, the insulin secretion cycle is again affected. Over a period of time, such eating habits in absence of proper physical exercises like jogging, gym workout, swimming, and boot camp routine tends to pave way for chronic diabetes and a host of other related diseases.

It is a smart choice to divide your total food intake judiciously between five to six mini meals which includes at least three healthy snack eating sessions before you hit the bed. This ensures that your stomach is never empty of food and with just the right quantity; the system never goes into overdrive and cause a major health crash in future. This way the liver is quietly working away steadily and not has to worry about the rush hour traffic. The pancreas release healthy dose of insulin to work round the clock smoothly and all is well with the body.

Here snacking doesn’t mean grabbing anything that comes your way or something that tickles your taste buds in an unhealthy fashion. Junk foods like burgers, sodas, pizzas loaded with cheese, hotdogs and fries topped with too much sodium and sauces rich in sugar, chocolates and candies are definitely out or to be consumed in moderation. Never binge on such food if you want to treat your body with respect and it will serve you well for years to come.

Try to eat sprouts on a regular basis as a snack to make up for all the needs for antioxidants, minerals and vitamins lacking in regular food. Sprouts of moong, alfalfa, mustard, wheat and other grains are the living food and are considered to be one of the most powerful foods available to man. They are also easy on the digestive system and healthy to boot. Eat brown and multigrain bread sandwiches that contain loads of fiber to help better bowel movement and cleanse the system of toxins. Snacking on freshly prepared salads and fruits is a great way to enjoy variety with health benefits thrown in.

Avoid over processed and tinned foods which are often loaded with preservatives and chemicals and are major source of harmful trans-fats and hydrogenated fats. Such foods like potato wafers, corn tortillas, chocolates and other commercial snacks should be cut out from your food habits, if health is the major wealth of any person.

Author Bio: If you would like a session at Sydney Boot Camps, or to sign up for a free consultation at Boot Camps Sydney, visit Sydney Personal Trainers.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Sydney Boot Camps

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