The Best Fat Burning Exercise Book Review

A new book has been written that proves the theory that slaving away in a gym night and day doing what you think to be the best fast burning exercises sometimes will not always help you lose weight or build that muscle you desire. This ultimate book on dieting and weight training will show you some of the best fat burning exercises of the modern day and it is called ‘Fat Burning Furnace’ and it is written and used by a man called Rob Poulos.

After years of trying to imitate all the people on the covers of muscle magazines through day after day of lifting weights in his gym, Rob came to the realization that maybe his body was different to all these other bodybuilders and his metabolism was not up to their level of fat burning either. So he developed a program and became a living testimonial to its success.

After spending all of his time at the gym in his early days, he did eventually start to gain weight but it wasn’t the muscle he was after, he was overeating and had started to get fat. This was not what he wanted so he committed himself to loosing the fat and find a better way to build muscle and discover the best fat burning exercise.

‘Fat Burning Furnace’ is the end product of countless hours of research and trialing different techniques personally by Rob himself. Rob’s argument is that by performing the right exercises and consuming the right types of food in your diet, you can transform your current metabolism into the ultimate fat burner.

Rob is a strong advocate of strength training by pumping iron with the goal of increasing muscle strength and size. It is the increase in muscle size that helps your body to become a fat burning furnace – that and eating the right foods.

A great way to burn more calories is to gain extra muscle. According to Poulos, if you can build up about seven kilograms of lean muscle and lose about three kilograms of fat, you will consistently burn up to 750 more calories a day even while you rest! This figure will obviously get larger the more active you are through the day.

Ladies should not be worried about getting large amounts of muscle from pumping iron because they do not have the required testosterone levels needed to build the kind of muscle mass that men do. Rob also points out that most people lack the genetic makeup required to get as big and buff as the likes of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, even with the help of bodybuilding chemicals.

Extensive cardiovascular exercising is not a good thing according to Rob. He claims that these are not the best fat burning exercises because even though they will burn a small amount of fat, they tend to tell the body that it needs to store more fat for the next time that you do this exercise to handle the workout.
It has been said that if you thrust past your bodies aerobic limit during these types of exercises it could be detrimental to your long term health because it can limit your lung and heart capacity.

The great book ‘Fat Burning Furnace’ that Rob Poulos has developed will give you the best possible guidance on nutrition and it also describes some of the best fat burning exercises that will greatly exploit your potential to build the body you have always wanted but have yet to see. Add to this the looks that you will get when out in your swim suit and the fact that you will be a lot healthier, and you can’t go past this book.

Rob’s routine is not a long and drawn out process, it is quite quick and simple to perform, and if it is followed as directed, you will see the results without all of the boring cardio workout stuff that most people trying to lose weight are doing these days. The man himself is a testament that this method really does produce the goods-check it out for yourself!

Author Bio: For more great info on bodybuilding and nutrition come and check out and get the help you deserve.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: best fat burning exercises,rob poulos,burning fat exercises

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