Iran Denies Nuclear Attack by the Virus

Domestic terminal about 3 million Internet worm infected Stuxnet, but Iran’s first nuclear power plant Bushehr nuclear power plant computer “operating normally.”

Iranian officials and some Western researchers suspect that this is not an individual event from viruses hackers, there may be some behind the “national support.”

Denied the power station “poisoned”

German researchers found that as early as June this worm. This malicious code attacks the Siemens company developed the monitoring and data acquisition system (SCADA). It is noteworthy that, in addition to transmission through the Internet, but it can be infected via the USB interface, the computer is not connected to the Internet.

India, Indonesia, Pakistan and other countries encountered many of the computer virus attack, but Iran the most serious victimization. U.S. supplier of network security products, Symantec security response network Liam Aomuershu head told Reuters, the global computer worm infected Stuxnet, 60% in Iran.

Germany’s Ralf Runner computer virus researchers suspected targets of the virus may be Bushehr nuclear power plant. This nuclear power plant equipment can not be fully operational there have been the case, the government did not specify why.

Person in charge of the Bushehr nuclear power plant 26, Mahmoud al-Jaafari to accept Iran’s “banner” television interview, denied the speculation, and that nuclear fuel loading process has not failed.

“Bushehr nuclear power plant virus did not cause any damage to the main system,” al-Jaafari said, “All computer programs functioning nuclear power plants, not because of Stuxnet (virus attack) collapse.”

Siemens denies Bushehr nuclear power plant equipped with SCADA systems.

However, al-Jaafari to accept an interview with Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency acknowledged that some of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, “the work of the personal computer,” infected with the virus.

Suspected “public works”

Ministry of Industry and Mines of Iran, head of information technology, Mahmoud Li Yayi told “Iran Daily” reporters, the country has about 3 million Internet terminal infection Stuxnet worm.

“When Stuxnet is activated, industrial automation system will start the production line to set the relevant data to the destination of the virus,” Li Yayi said, “then the worm designers of these data to be dealt with by the technical staff (with the results) to plan attacks on the appropriate country. ”

He said that, given the complexity of the virus, it is more like from a massive “public works” rather than hacking individual behavior in order “with the West against Iran’s electronic warfare.”

The virus has infected about 4.5 million computers worldwide. Siemens said that, there are 15 enterprises engaged in industrial control “caught.”

Some researchers believe that the preparation of such malicious code requires 5 to 10-member team, and there is sufficient financial support.

“This is not an ordinary team could easily do,” Symantec security response network head Aomuershu said, writers are familiar with industrial control systems, “or well-funded private groups, or by government funding. ”

U.S. President George Bush had authorized the use of new technologies applied to destroy Iran’s nuclear program and computer and other systems of power, and Iran imported centrifuge equipment used in power when he found some parts of being “manipulated.”

Start “system clear”

Person in charge of the Bushehr nuclear power plant Jaafari told news agency reporters that Iran has been found Stuxnet 5 worm variants.

Iranian Telecommunications Ministry official Mehmet Said Duke: “Some expert systems have begun to clear the virus.”

Iran Ministry of Industry and Mining Liya Yi, head of information technology, said some companies have to get some anti-virus software for the virus. However, consider some of the software “may carry the new variants of malicious code”, Iran decided not to use anti-virus software developed by Siemens.

Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, experts have met to discuss how to deal with Stuxnet worm.

Iran’s telecommunications ministers officiating told News Agency, the virus has been “more or less” has been contained, “the impact of the government system, and damage is not serious.” In addition, the country did not report serious damage to industrial systems.

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