Toilet Training in Less Than a Day or the Potty Chair Express

Wow. We’re really in a hurry these days.

Movies that download in minutes, cell phones that surf the web, takeout meals ready to pick up on the way home.

All good stuff, I’ve decided. Then I saw this trend about toilet training in less than a day.

Less than a day? As in less than 24 hours? Wow again. I’ve potty trained four kids and I can tell you they experienced potty training in a day – about 428 days in a row.

So I was fascinated to check out this method. What I found has convinced me that if I had a kid to potty train again (any takers?) I would seriously prep and use this method.

It just makes sense.

It also needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Here’s what I mean.

Toilet training in such a short time, in order to be in any way successful, has to establish certain basic ideas and practices in the child.

– Absolute clarity about what is expected. In other words the child needs to be very clear with the answer to the question “how do I go potty, anyway?”

– Intense practice until both the toddler’s body and his mind get it.

While there are different approaches to using this method, they all do indeed seem to address those two points. Most recommend using a potty training doll that will pee on demand and that the child be in charge of training the doll.

This is crucial on two accounts. One, the child sees the doll model potty training. Liquids go in and they come out. In the potty chair.

Two, by teaching the doll herself, the child is cementing these important potty concepts in her own brain. She’s internally practicing while helping the doll. She understands that if you don’t make it to the potty chair, you’re going to have a mess to deal with as she cleans up her doll (the training doll should have a few accidents as well as successes to thoroughly teach these points).

What is left after these points are firmly instilled is the need for daily practice to solidify what’s been learned. (Did you learn to ride a bike in one day?)

Certainly many children, by the end of one long, intense day, can have these basics significantly planted in their minds and bodies. Some will be, indeed, trained; others will need weeks and months of practice. That is what I mean by taking these methods with a grain of salt.

I’ve read a lot of moms’ comments about using these methods. Overall, mothers report varying degrees of success. The most satisfied parents were the one who understood that “potty basics” would be taught in a day and follow-up would be required.

I want to add that any potty training and certainly a focused training like this cannot happen at all if a toddler is not ready to be trained. That is hands down the first and most important thing to look at when deciding whether or not this method is something for you to try.

A toddler or preschooler must be physically and emotionally ready to train and you, as a parent, must be ready to do your part, too. That includes assembling all the potty aids necessary and clearing your schedule so you can focus exclusively on your child and the toilet training process.

Bottom line? Yes, you can actually say that by using proper methods and adequate preparation, you can potty train in a day as far as the fundamentals to toilet usage are concerned. Toilet training in less than a day is a real possibility if you and your child are ready.

Just remember the most important part is working together in a positive and trusting manner. You’re going to train your child many times for many reasons over the years. Set a good foundation now, with toilet training, and reap the rewards for years to come.

Author Bio: Colleen Langenfeld has potty trained four kids and helps other moms get more out of their mothering at . Toilet train faster using her potty reward charts and creative ideas plus uncover more about toilet training in less than a day by visiting her website now.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: toilet training less than a day,toilet training,potty training,training doll,toilet training process

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