When to Leave Your Wife – 5 Signs it May Be Time to Go

Marriage may just be the most complex, challenging and (sometimes) rewarding thing you can get yourself involved in. What it takes to be successful in a marriage involves engaging many levels of your being at once: there are the financial, sexual, friendship, parental, and householder levels, for example. Some married couples even go into business together – how do they do it?

And, there is no one, single formula for creating marital success. What works for one couple may not work for another. The reason for this is pretty easy to figure out: every person on the planet has a slightly different set of needs and a unique personality. Combine that with the fact that a marriage requires TWO of these unique individuals to co-exist together every day – and you will see why it can be so hard to make any marriage work.

You may have noticed that your marriage has not been going so well lately. In fact, you may even have concluded that things have gotten so bad that it may be time for you to call it quits and leave your wife. This would be a shame, of course, given all that you have been through together.

If you are considering leaving your wife, here are 5 signs that it may be time for you to go:

1. She almost always acts in an antagonistic way toward you:
When you find that your wife seems to always be rubbing you the wrong way on purpose – trying to start fights or being rude to you for no obvious reason – it is clear that she harbors a lot of anger toward you. If you believe she will never get over being angry at you, it could be time to end the marriage.

2. Your wife has threatened to leave you on more than one occasion:
Of course, if your wife has said more than once that she wants to leave you, you should take her at her word. Do not assume it is just an empty threat. She may want to leave you but doesn’t have the guts to do so – she may want you to make the first move.

3. You suspect that she may already be cheating on you with someone else:
Of course, any indication that your wife is currently cheating on you may well be automatic cause for leaving her.

4. Your wife seems to resent you or always feels competitive with you:
If you have noticed that, over the past few months or years, your wife seems to resent you all the time for some unspecified reason, she may hold deep feelings of negativity toward you that could be hard to resolve. It could be best to just leave.

5. You have evidence that she has deceived you on one or more occasions:
When a person lies to or deceives another person repeatedly, this does not make for a healthy and lasting relationship.

It is important to note that none of these signs by themselves – or even all five of them together – mean that you should leave your wife. Ultimately, you will need to pay attention to your heart and your intuition in order to figure out the truth about what is best for both of you.

If you believe that love between you is still in there somewhere, it may not at all be too late to try to save your marriage.

Author Bio: Get your troubled relationship back on track with expert relationship advice from someone who has saved thousands of marriages at: Find The Love Again.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: When To Leave Your Wife,5 Signs It May Be Time To Go, divorcing your wife, should i leave my wife

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