Use a Teacher’s Planner to Help You Get Organized!
Being organized makes life easier for anyone, but for teachers it goes beyond making life easier – it really is a necessity. There are so many things that a teacher must accomplish in a day. It is impossible (no matter how good you are at remembering) to remember every detail for every day. As a teacher, you are likely well adept at lesson planning; it is a talent that goes hand and hand with the occupation. Over time the talent to plan lessons effectively really takes hold.
If teaching was the only thing that teachers were responsible for, then this article would end now, and there would be nothing else to write about. Teaching has a horde of responsibilities both inside the classroom and outside the classroom – which makes a planner a real asset to staying organized! The most effective teachers know that just as their lesson plans keep them on track with the curriculum for their classrooms, a teacher’s planner can also help them to undertake all of the other planning that is required to meet all their ever-expanding list of responsibilities.
Let’s look at some tips for choosing and using a teacher’s planner.
1. Pick a planner, not a calendar. Everyone has a calendar that they can jot things down on, but a teacher needs a planner – not just a calendar. There are so many things that happen each month that need to be planned for.
You need a planner that can be portable enough to carry to meetings and large enough to fit in all the things that you must plan for like IEP meetings, parent teacher conferences, staff meetings, book turn ins, fund raiser information and a slew of other activities.
2. Once you have decided on a planner here is the key – USE IT. You would be surprised to find Brand Cialis how many teachers will purchase a planner at the beginning of the year and then tuck it neatly in their desk drawer where it never gets to see the light of day. You have to make a habit of using your planner. Take it home with you each day and bring it back to school with you in the morning. Make notes and plans and stick to them.
3. Make your planner your constant companion- yes be one of those people- take your planner with you to every meeting so it will be handy to jot down any important dates. If you make this your habit you will feel less overwhelmed with trying to remember dates and times. You will have all the pertinent viagra non prescription information right at your finger tips.
4. Schedule everything that you need to get done. You will be surprised how much more work you can get done if you set aside time to do it. For example if you know you have to grade papers from 6-8 P.M., then you can clearly see that is what you planned to do and carry it out without feeling like you should be doing something else. What you plan for you will accomplish.
5. Getting organized is going to make you a better teacher, for several reasons – the most obvious of which is that you will make more efficient use of the time that you have. A teacher’s planner can also help you to better prioritize your activities so that you get the truly important things on your daily schedule accomplished first.
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Category: Advice
Keywords: advice,organization,classroom management,teacher Silagra tips,teaching tips