Chinese Cities in the Antique Find a Sense of History

In the culture after the ravages of decades, China started to have to find the history of hunger. The most obvious is the architectural style, the whole of China can be seen everywhere with the ancient buildings and architectural styles. Datong City, Shanxi Province, is a good example.

Robotic excavator destroyed the last one around the south gate of Datong housing. Construction site looks like this is a battle, full of ruins, all the buildings have all been removed. And from here a few hundred meters, with a cornice-style buildings in ancient China where they stand.

This is an urban construction project in Datong City: removal of all the houses within the city to replace the Ming Dynasty style architecture. Many people are in favor of this project, they think it will be able to promote local tourism development, while they can experience the ancient style.

Datong coal in China’s reputation, and Datong, and there is no sense of history to mess known. During the Ming Dynasty, Datong was a center of trade with Mongolia, where the temple was a large towers everywhere. Now plans to spend nearly 600 billion yuan in Datong its former glory, and in order to attract tourists. Datong was a party town.

Part of old city walls have been restored, all new construction within the walls to the Ming dynasty style, all within the city’s residents to move out. After the completion of the inner city will be a pure tourist area, only the shops, hotels, and the new “historic.”

China is now everywhere, “Harmony”, antique buildings everywhere. University of Hong Kong heritage conservation experts, and Yan Li (sound) that the current of history the Chinese people desire is the destruction of decades of cultural response. He believes that the ravages of the Cultural Revolution of the culture is just the surface, but the real destruction of Chinese culture in the last 30 years of economic development. Old Town’s old house was completely replaced by new construction, has given cause irreparable damage to the loss of culture. But some of the Chinese people but also in the new antique city.

After 40 years of violence, Datong former glory is gone, and now is not to rebuild Datong those old buildings. Planning Datong will be a imaginary city. Of course, can not completely antique, some places still see traces of cement. Is this Disneyland of Chinese-style it? Although Li and Yan of these antique for nose, but he believes that this antique style is only a temporary phenomenon, a better understanding of the importance of cultural heritage and conservation awareness of the transition phase. People soon discover that the current approach is not correct.

Anyway, after decades of communism and the worship of money, people finally began to re-emphasis on the history and national identity. Many people began to nostalgia Datong, an oldish woman recalled: “When I was little common ground is very beautiful, I remember that has characteristics of each building. People Caring for our heritage, let that spirit once again wake up.”

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