Want to be Irresistible?

What Makes a Man Irresistible?

This is the eternal question. Some men think you have to be a bad boy or jerk to attract women. Other men think you have to look like Brad Pitt or James Franco. And other men think you have to make a lot of money and have a really nice job and car.
I say you don’t need any of those things. Here are the top 5 things you need to be irresistible to women:

1. A good sense of humor. This doesn’t mean you are the class clown or the comedian at the party. It has nothing to do with how well you tell jokes. What this means is that you recognize when something is funny and are able to laugh at it. The best trait is the ability to laugh at yourself when the situation is warranted.

2. A healthy dose of self confidence. I’m not talking arrogance. I’m talking about natural self esteem. This means that you know there is nobody else out there who is unique like you and that even if you are not the richest, best looking man in the room, you definitely like yourself and have a lot to offer a woman in a relationship. Which leads me to number three:

3. You like yourself enough to have standards. This means that you have enough of that self confidence in no. 2 that you will not put up with anything less than stellar treatment. That means you are not going to stand for a woman who doesn’t treat you right. You have high standards for how you are treated in a relationship and have no qualms about walking away from a woman who can’t live up to them, not matter how beautiful and amazing she is.

4. You love life. Now this seems pretty vague and painted with a broad stroke and that is because it cannot be summed up in a nutshell. Loving life means you have taken the time to create a life that brings you joy. That joy cannot be found in how much money you have or what job you work because often those two things are out of our control. What we can control is how we spend the valuable hours of our life. So make sure you are spending all your time and energy on what you find is valuable and worthwhile and you will automatically find job and love of life. It is truly as easy as that.

5. You have respect for women. You don’t let other guys treat women poorly and you would never do that yourself. (See above where it talks about being a bad guy or jerk?) Men who are jerks only attract women with poor self esteem. It doesn’t matter how beautiful she may be on the outside, if she stays with a jerk then you can bet there is some major damage on the inside that you want to stay far, far away from.

So just as a recap, if you want to be irresistible, be confident, have a good sense of humor, take care of yourself and set high standards, create a life you love and respect women. It is that simple.

Author Bio: Bill has been teaching men How to Get a Girlfriend for the last 5 years in NYC and is a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: Want to be Irresistible?.

Category: Dating
Keywords: dating tips, meeting women, how to get a girlfriend

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