The Cincinnati Bearcats’ 2010 Schedule Looks Great

The 2010 schedule of the Cincinnati Bears’ non-conference games number five all in all while the conference games number 7.

Fresno State

The Fresno State U Bulldogs are the team’s first opponents on September 4. The game between the two last season was well-matched with the Bulldogs putting up a very good resistance. Cincinnati was hard put trying to contain the enemy or trying to break past its defenses. The Bulldogs, however, fell back towards the end leaving Miami to take the victory 28-20 at Nippert stadium

During last seasons non-conference and conference games the Bulldogs had scored 85 and 6-2 respectively. But Ryan Matthews was still playing with them. Since Matthews has gone over to the NFL, a big gap has been left in the team and their performance this year is not expected to come close to last year’s. The score predicted for this match is 41-20 favoring the Bearcats.

Indiana State

Indiana State will be pitting themselves against the Bearcats again on September 11. This game is considered by many to be an uneven match as the Bearcats out-power their opponents in it and the game will probably have a quick ending.

Last season, the Sycamores came up with a score of 1-10. The only time their defense was slightly effective was against Louisiana who eventually licked them 30-10. Their match with the Bearcats is expected to be an easy kill for Cincinnati. Luckily it is also expected to be an early kill.

North Carolina State

Cincinnati battles North Carolina on September 16. The score of NC in last seasons non-conference was 57. However, at home, their record stood at 5-3. The team has power offensive tactics and an equally powerful unit. They should have worked hard on their defenses for this season. Otherwise they are bound to cave in before the onrush of the Bearcats.

Predictions talk about a 45-24 victory for Cincinnati.


Oklahoma will be playing opposite the Bearcats on September 25. Oklahoma has developed a very fast attack tactic. On the opposite side, the Bearcats are known for their strong and well coordinated defense. The match between these two members of the top 20 list will be more or less even.

After the loss of quarterback Sam Bradford, Oklahoma has managed to build up a powerful team again. After their poor performance in last season’s games they intend to stage a comeback for this season.

Cincinnati will enjoy a little edge at home. Victory is predicted for Cincinnati 31-27 but those numbers may easily be reversed.


The last day of the games, October 9, sees Cincinnati pitted against Miami. The two teams are traditionally rivals. Their rivalry extends as far back as 120 years. Annually the two have battled for the possession of the Victory Bell trophy in the Battle for the Victory Bell.

Cincinnati has humbled Miami for four years in succession. Miami hasn’t shown much drive in recent years and if this tendency is continued this year, they are looking at their fifth defeat in a row.

The Bearcats normally make a quick business of their matches with Miami. Game play reaches about halftime in home games.

If analysts have predicted accurately, the score of the Bearcats for the non-conference games of this season stand to get better. However, to up their total score, they will have to perform just as well in their 7 conference games.


Author Bio: Bio: Freddie Brister is a retired football coach who writes for Check out his Cincinnati Grill Cover or his Seattle Seahawks Bedding or his USC Watch

Category: Sports
Keywords: Cincinnati Bears,The Bearcats,Power Offensive Tactics

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