The Various Ways to Treat Acne Scars

In high school there is always someone who is branded ‘pizza face’, in my case, that was me. It used to cause me stress as a teen; however, what troubled me much more was that the scars from my acne were now with me in adulthood (and I’m not just talking about the mental ones). I knew something needed to be done to remove them, so I consulted my doctor.

Naive to the fact there were different treatment options available to me I followed my doctor’s advice and sought out a treatment plan known as chemical peels, a process which left me more traumatized than the acne scars. Later, after looking much deeper into the matter, I discovered a complication free natural solution. Now, not wishing my unfortunate chemical peel experience on anyone else, I hope to impart my knowledge so that you too can discover the right acne scar removal solution.


Chemical peels work as acid is painted onto the skin, which in turn burns the top layer of skin. This burnt layer then gradually peels off the face after a week which allows for the growth of new skin to come to the surface. The process works because the thickened pigmented epidermis showing cellular disarray (acne scars) is replaced by fresh, orderly, uniform cells. A new band of dermis then forms between the epidermis and the underlying tissue, leaving the skin more elastic.

Natural topical solutions such as natural microdermabrasion creams work by gently buffing away the unwanted scar tissue and damaged skin with micro-crystals. This process removes the top layer of effected skin just like chemical peels, however it is a much more subtle process. The regeneration of new skin cells are then expedited by natural compounds such as Helix Aspersa Muller GlycoConjugates, which replace scar collagen with a mixture of skin cells and invisible collagen fibers, bringing elasticity and vitality back to the skin.


Chemical Peel treatments are a long and extensive process. First the skin must be pre-treated with the application of prescribed creams that both soften and anesthetize the skin. Then the patient must complete a series of acid burning sessions, which for me lasted a few weeks. Finally, the skin must go through a healing process that includes the application of further prescribed creams to provide both recovery and ongoing maintenance to the recently treated area, a process which I followed for approximately three months.

The application of natural cream solutions are not as complex. The routine is as simple as applying the creams in the comfort of one’s bathroom after a shower, something which I found to be much more appealing.


All forms of chemical treatment possess an element of of risks, chemical peels are no different. These side effects can vary depending on the patient and generally, the deeper the chemical peel, higher the likelihood of complications arising. The following is a list of adverse reactions both myself and people I know have experienced:

– The flaring of acne or cold sores – An inflammation of the tissue around the mouth (peri-oral dermatitis) – Peeled skin may also inflame resulting in unsightly scarring – Increased pigmentation such as transient spots of hyper or hypopigmentation – Complete avoidance of direct UV rays – Lengthy recovery and maintenance procedures – All of which may last for months

As one might have thought acne treatment cream carries no such danger. As the ingredients are completely natural they work harmoniously with the body’s skin cells and present no risk of side effects or nasty irritation.


Using my experience as an example, when determining the best acne scars treatment available it is easy to see that natural solutions are easier to apply, safer, and yet produce the same results. In light of this one should look towards a topical solution such as Bioskinexfol for their treatment for scars. This 100% natural product contains Helix Aspersa Muller GlycoConjugates and also acts as a natural microdermabrasion, thereby making it the only solution for acne scars treatment.

Author Bio: In light of this one should look towards a topical scar removal cream such as Bioskinexfol for their treatment for scars. This 100% natural product contains Helix Aspersa Muller GlycoConjugates and also acts as a natural microdermabrasion, thereby making it the only solution for acne scar tissue removal.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: scar cream, scar tissue removal, scar removal cream, best scar treatment, scar removal

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