Understanding Your Immune System

Cold weather has finally made its way to the Midwest. Winter conditions set up an environment that weakens our immune system and we become more prone to the flu’, cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other illnesses. Most of us do not spend time thinking of our immune system, until an illness like the flu’ or common cold hits and drags us down for weeks. Our immune system is constantly surveying our body like anti-viral software in a computer. It detects viruses and bugs, helps remove diseased cells, launches chemical warfare against allergens, gets rid of pre-cancerous cells and neutralizes bacteria. It fights everyday to maintain an optimal environment.

All of our body systems, including immunity, are dependent upon diet, the ability to detoxify, and capacity to cope with stress. The flu’ or common cold causes incredible stress to the immune system. Within hours of contacting the offending virus you experience headaches, fatigue, body aches, fevers, sinus congestion, etc. This is a normal response to the virus. It forces you to retire to bed and slow down while your immune system re-boots and recovers. A few days of rest should allow you to return to your normal pace of activity. Your immune system also codes into memory and protects you from a similar virus in the future. In other words, it has made a vaccine for you that is unique to your body’s biological terrain. I like the words of my friend and colleague, Dr. Ronald Hoffman, M.D.

“It’s worth remembering that optimal immunity does not mean never getting sick. It means getting sick and responding in a supple fashion, without long, lingering consequences. ”

What is Biological Terrain?

Your Biological Terrain (Bioterrain) is the environment in which your cells live. When the balance of the Biological Terrain is disturbed, your body is more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. Therefore, you are more prone to a state of overall poor health. Testing your Bioterrain provides important information on how your body responds to stressors such as poor diet, medications, alcohol, smoking, environmental toxins, etc.

The test indicates how efficiently nutrients and wastes flow in and out of your cells. It also offers insight into the digestive, kidney, and circulatory systems. I advise testing your Biological Terrain prior to each season change. The test is performed in the office, allowing myself or my nurse the ability to review your results the same day. If your Bioterrain is “off” or “unbalanced” we can make recommendations to improve the profile of your terrain. An unhealthy Bioterrain can be re-balanced by altering diet and using supportive supplements based on your specific results. The cost of the test is $98.00 and is reviewed in a short office visit. My staff will assist you if you have questions or would like to schedule an assessment.

Do I have the Cold or the Flu?

The Cold

Affects the upper respiratory tract and symptoms usually last 4-5 days.
Symptoms include:

– Mild body aches, earache, fatigue
– Stuffy nose and sneezing
– Sore throat / mild cough
– Chest discomfort, sinus congestion

1.) Zicam Nasal swab or spray (found over-the-counter)
2.) Increase Vitamin C by 1,000mg doses to your GI tolerance (increase dose until diarrhea occurs)
3.) Olive Leaf Extract (20% Oleurupein) 6-8 capsules/day till better
4.) Cold fX – see bottle for acute care dosing instructions

The Flu
Affects the whole body and usually hits us within 24 hours.
Symptoms include:

– Fever, headache
– Generalized body aches and chest discomfort
– Immediate fatigue or weakness
– Moderate to severe cough

1.) Intravenous Vitamin C for 2-5 days, call office to make an appointment
2.) Oregano and/or Olive Leaf Extract in full doses
3.) Take Transfer Factor Basics, 2 capsules, 3 times/day
4.) Culturelle or Probiotic to help with diarrhea

Prevention Is The Key:

When infections linger for weeks, results in absenteeism, or simply prevents you from fully living in the present moment, you have a weak immune system. This often leads to the use of antibiotics, steroids, or other drugs to get rid of the infection. Sometimes this further stresses the immune system, leaving your “body computer” open to further viruses and diseases. Instead, being proactive about your health during the change of seasons can make all the difference.

I recommend the following:

1. Eat a wholesome diet, with minimal additives, coloring agents and other chemicals.
2. Limit your consumption of refined sugar.
3. Drink Water! Consume 1/2 your body weight in oz (Ex. You Weigh 180lbs drink 90 oz of water a day).
4. Get 7-9 hours of restful sleep.
5. Diligently wash your hands after touching faucets, knobs or objects used by the general public. When possible avoid being around people with infections.
6. Learn to use a Netipot! A program of routine nasal irrigation can be done effectively by using a Netipot. Using a Netipot with Xylitol or colloidal silver helps prevent germs from adhering to the nasal passages. Our staff can assist you in learning how to use this tool. I have these items available in the office.
8) I also believe in the use of supplements during the Winter season.

I recommend:

♦ A Good Basic Multivitamin (I like Alive, Ultra Preventive III, or Ultra Preventive X)
♦ Vitamin C 2,000 mg/ day
♦ Zinc 30 to 50 mg/day (total dose)
♦ Vitamin D, keep blood levels between 50 and 75 mg/ml
♦ Cold Fx 2/day to build a strong immune system
♦ Transfer Factor Basics, 2 per day from mid October through April

9) Test your Bioterrain
10) Begin a program of Allergy Elimination called NAET. It helps boost your body’s ability to utilize key nutrients that enable the immune system to remain healthy. For more information on NAET, visit our website. Reference the “our services” tab.

Antibiotic Alternatives:
It is generally known among my patients that I do not routinely prescribe antibiotics. The over use of antibiotics has led to strains of bacteria that become drug resistant to that antibiotic and to infections that are more difficult to treat. Furthermore, most respiratory germs are viruses that do not respond to antibiotics. Many of these drugs produce unpleasant side-effects such as rashes, arthritis, super-infection of the colon, yeast infections, etc.

I usually prescribe antibiotics during an office visit and after obtaining a culture from the nasal mucosa. It is best to wait for the culture results in order to select the best possible antibiotic. If you must work, try to get ten to twelve hours of sleep to aid the recovery process and follow some of the other suggestions in this newsletter.

Vitamin/Mineral IV’s:

With symptoms of a cold or flu, I may recommend receiving vitamins and minerals through an IV to help you recover naturally. The vitamin IV is very useful in combating viral illnesses and the minerals help boost energy levels. Receiving vitamins and minerals through an IV allows the body immediate access to these nutrients for healing. Most viruses hijack our energy. This is why you feel exhausted and a victim to the disease process. Vitamin C restores energy reactions in the cells and helps us get back on our feet. It can also help get rid of the virus. Studies have shown that oral doses larger than 2,000 mg may not be useful because we loose most of the vitamin C in urine. However with IV vitamin C your cells are able to receive the high doses needed to combat the virus.

Questions and Answers

Q: I would like to know exactly which supplements I should be taking and why I should take them.

A: We recommend a good multivitamin for everyone. Additional supplements are usually recommended by the doctor and the choices are based on your age, gender, acute illness, and even genetic make-up. Look for fact sheets on each supplement and a pamphlet addressing issues of brand name selection, quality, purity, concentration of key ingredients, etc. Complimentary copies of these publications will be ready mid January.

Q: Does Dr. Rathod address women’s health issues?

A: Dr. Rathod addresses the full range of women’s health issues from a holistic perspective. As an Internist, she is able to provide the well woman exam including PAP smears. We are excited to announce the production of a newsletter, due mid February, featuring Women’s Health Care from an Integrative Medicine (traditional and holistic) perspective. Our services include customized testing and treatment plans to restore balance for: irregular periods, menopause, PMS, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, depression, low libido, and weight gain.

Kind Words From A Patient…

“This doctor always has excellent ideas and keeps up with current literature. She listens and feels. She is not afraid to refer patients to other physicians. Doctor Rathod is like a breath of fresh air. She educates, she listens, she uses her knowledge and skills. I know a nurse from Canada who comes here because she like the care she gets. I am thankful that in the days of high-tech, we can also have someone who utilizes technology and hands-on and many various skills to help with healing.” Sally H.

Author Bio: About the Author: Dr. Varsha Rathod is a Board Certified Rheumatologist and Internist. Preventive Medicine has focused on a combination of traditional and holistic medicine since 1967. For more information about alternative solutions, visit http://www.preventivemedicinestl.com or call 314-997-5403.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Cold, Flu, Antibotics, Flu Shot, Alternative to Cold or Flu, Immune System

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