Effective Remedies For Acid Reflux

You don’t have to put up with acid reflux. Acid reflux can be disruptive, and painful. If left untreated, it can even lead to cancer. There are things that you can do to eliminate or at least reduce the occurence of reflux. There may be some patterns that you can identify, so the first thing you should to, is to keep track of when you get acid reflux. Once you see a pattern, you can choose the best remedy for acid reflux.

Write down when you get heartburn. Write down the date, the time, how long it lasts, and how severe the pain is on a scale of one to ten. Note what you did that day as well. If you have acid reflux several times a day, then you’ll also want to keep track of what you eat. Once you have these records, you can take a look and see if you can see a pattern. Note if there are certain foods or activities that trigger the acid reflux.

Note what time of the day you suffer from acid reflux. If it happens at night, then one probable cause is that you are eating too soon before you go to bed. If you aren’t eating too soon before bedtime, then you can try changing your sleeping position. Try elevating your head and shoulders by several inches, as this may help. You can find special pillows to help raise the body up into the right position. It may also help for you to sleep on your left side. Try to imagine the arrangement of the stomach, and try to sleep in a position where gravity can help to keep the stomach acid where it belongs, in the stomach.

Pregnancy may cause acid reflux in women. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy can very well cause reflux. Women who begin to experience heartburn should find out if they may be pregnant. If you are, you can take a course of action to reduce the pain and discomfort of reflux. Try changing your diet, to eliminate or reduce foods that trigger acid reflux. Eating well before bedtime, and eating several small meals throughout the day, instead of three large meals can also help.

You can find several products on the market that can be taken to get relief from the pain of heartburn. If you suffer several times a week, then you can find medications that will offset acid reflux before it happens. If you just suffer occasionally, you can find some over the counter products that you can take any time, day or night, as needed.

Changing your diet is another important step to take in dealing with acid reflux. Fatty and fried foods, alcohol, and acidic foods can all contribute to heartburn. If you make an effort to reduce or eliminate these foods from your diet, you can take a big step towards relief.

Make every effort that you can to treat acid reflux with these simple steps. If the problem persists, then see your doctor. There may be other underlying issues. Your doctor can diagnose these issues, and guide you in the proper course of action to get relief from acid reflux. He may suggest prescription medication to get relief.

Remember, if you leave acid reflux untreated, then it will continue to damage your esophagus, and possibly cause cancer. It is best to find a remedy for acid reflux in the early stages, before too much damage is done. A few simple lifestyle changes may help, but if not, then seek a doctor’s care. Don’t let acid reflux control your life. Take control now.

Author Bio: Be sure to visit Remedy For Acid Reflux for more tips and advice on relieving acid reflux and heartburn.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: remedy for acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, acid reflux treatment

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