6 Important Steps to Follow When Filing For Bankruptcy

Before filing with your regional bankruptcy court, you first need to get credit counseling, decide which chapter to file, list all your creditors, complete the required forms and pay all applicable fees.

In the event that you’re swamped by so many overdue bills that you can’t seem to get a handle on even one of them, your best option may actually be to file for bankruptcy. Legally speaking bankruptcy means that either a person or an organization has been deemed incapable of paying off their debts. If you plan to use cheap bankruptcy filing florida, plan to follow these specific steps.

Undergoing counseling for credit is step 1

Due to the regulations of the Bankruptcy Court in the US, we now have credit counseling classes. When filing for bankruptcy, you will be required to take a couple of classes that will help determine whether or not filing for bankruptcy is the solution in your case. You will want to refer to the list of approved credit counseling classes that your local bankruptcy court will surely offer you. You can choose to participate in credit counseling via phone or the internet.

Step 2: Complete the requisite paperwork

You can obtain a copy of the bankruptcy forms that you need to sign by downloading these at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court website. You are required to submit these documents because they often contain relevant information about your finances, debts, income and assets. Make sure all your information is accurate and up to date, and that you fill in all the required fields. If you navigate to the website you will be able to view samples of completed documents. Once you have the requisite documentation, you must turn it in to the bankruptcy court.

Step 3: Choose which bankruptcy chapter you need to file

Duties differ when it comes to the variety of bankruptcy chapters. Distinct differences exist between Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 entails setting up a 3 or 5 year creditor repayment plan, while Chapter 13 enables you to liquidate all assets. You will need to determine which chapter applies to your financial condition.

Fourth: Supply a list of all creditors

It is imperative that you quickly provide a list of your creditors and details about your debts. Make sure that the list is accurate and complete with information about the corresponding debts you owe to each creditor. If you submit an incomplete list, you might have to pay a fee before submitting the additional entries.

Step 5: Pay your fees.

Find out from the bankruptcy court in your municipality what fees will apply to you. You will most likely need a money order to pay fees in a bankruptcy court. While making payments through money orders, make copies as your proof of each payment.

Step 6: Send the requirements to the bankruptcy court in your region.

Submit your money orders, forms and counseling certificates at the closest bankruptcy court. After you’ve sent in everything that you need to, you will get a letter confirming that you filed for bankruptcy.

The idea of bankruptcy allows a bankrupt person to begin anew and opens paths for the future even if they can’t pay their debts.

Author Bio: Visit Keith D. Collier’s law office to get more information about bankruptcy filing and cheap bankruptcy filing florida Collier online at http://keithdcollier.com/legal-fees-cost/

Category: Legal
Keywords: cheap bankruptcy filing florida,file florida bankruptcy cheap,filing cheap bankruptcy in florida,fil

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