How to Monitor Fat Burning and Weight Loss

Key to Burning Fat continuously – Keeping Track

Hello and welcome to this session on Fat Loss. Today’s session is on keeping track of all the fat you loose with real facts and figures.

How many of us who take up a fat loss regime last to the very end till the desired is result is achieved. Not many I would say. Some succeed, some drop off midway and some sport an attitude of resignation and simply move on.

How do track your progress and success and motivate yourself more along the way.

Relying simply on a scale may not be the most effective tracking method. There is more to it than the scale that can help you keep track. We will discuss four alternate ways you could adopt. Picture it, Check it, Measure it, See it

1. Picture it: Photograph yourself in a swim suit and paste it on a progress monitoring board. Do this once a fortnight or every week to check progress. There is nothing like seeing for yourself the effects of the techniques you follow. Besides being a perfect tracking system, this motivates you to shape up without falling out of a program.

2. Check it: Check your fat levels every week and chart them on your display board. Test them on different parts of your body not just the stomach and this gives you a good idea of the amount of fat you have lost.

3. Measure it: Measure your waist, hips, thighs, chest and arms. Repeat every week to check progress. Remember numbers never lie.

4. See it: See it for yourself in the mirror, the most direct and the most immediate means o checking progress. See for yourself how you progress.

If you adopt these techniques to measure, you will see for yourself if your progressive or hitting a plateau. What better way to alert you to stay on the regime for success.

“It is all about the attitude” they say and so it is on aspiring to lose fat. Let us see how a positive attitude and determination can help you look the way you always wanted to.

Losing that extra pound is an obsession to many. We all would love to stay fit and do all is needed to get there and get to stay there too.

All of us who are overweight tend to auto suggest all the time. I am fat, I am overweight and what happens during these suggestions? Your brain does not even know this is negative and works to achieve this goal for you, keeping you fat all along. Your subconscious mind simply records what you feed to it.

Fat is something that builds over time and it cannot be removed instantly. Working smart and constantly, adopting informed techniques. Staying on a program long enough and continuous monitoring is a great way to a healthier you.

Stay focused on the positive side of you rather than on the negative. When you do this you feel a lot better about yourself and positive instead of feeling negative and let down. You stay in a positive energy field; you enjoy yourself, others and the life around you more completely.

Initially you may feel like what you are saying is not true; but as you keep repeating this your grey cells will record the information so deeply that you will soon start believing it. You will transform to a more confident, more self reliant, more beautiful you naturally.

Accept yourself for what you are, love yourself and you will see that the resolve you need to change anything about you comes naturally and without any internal resistance from your subconscious. You are what you believe yourself to be. You will continue to be what you believe you are.

See you soon in another informative session. Until then, happy tracking.

Author Bio: Mark DeRosa is a nutition expert and writer for several online weight loss portals. To learn more about the hottest bodybuilding products like Gaspari Super Pump , Methyl Depot and Superpump 250, go to for more information.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Gaspari, superpump, superpump 250, bodybuilding, anabolic, steroids, hgh

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