Married Women’s Affairs – 5 Types of Affairs & What the Husband Can Do About It

For the married woman and married man, the vows made on their wedding day included the promise to be faithful to each other. And, there is no doubt that the vast majority of people who get married do so with the express intention of keeping that promise.

Unfortunately, it is clear that in reality, not everyone does keep their wedding vow promises. Many people will admit in private to having had one or more affairs while married. And, many others never get caught but are being unfaithful to their spouses just the same.

For a husband who suspects his wife is having an affair – or who even has evidence that an affair has been going on lately – the whole experience is quite painful and humiliating. After all, a married man expects his wife to “have his back.” Meaning: she is to look out for him and protect him, just as he is supposed to do for her. They have a bond of trust that both are supposed to respect.

Obviously, an affair is a direct and explicit betrayal of that bond of trust. And, nothing hurts quite as much as being cheated on by the person we are supposed to be able to trust the most.

There are many types of married women’s affairs, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are 5 types of affairs and what the husband can do about it:

1. Heavy flirting:
Almost every married person innocently flirts just a bit now and then. Very mild flirting may even actually be healthy for a relationship. However, when it crosses into heavy flirting, it has gone too far. Heavy flirting is when someone goes out of their way to spend time with someone just to flirt, and they do it frequently and for long periods of time. This is technically not an affair, but it puts the person on that path.

2. Going out socially after work or on business trips:
The next stage of an affair is when your wife starts going out with co-workers (or fellow members of an organization to which she belongs) socially on a regular basis, either after work or while on business trips.

3. Emotional affair:
Next, we have what is becoming commonly termed an “emotional affair.” This is whereby two people actually fall in love – or at least very deep like – with each other and spend a lot of time together. The feelings are 100% romantic, but the relationship lacks a physical component.

4. One-night stand:
At this point, an affair has become even more serious because it turns physical or sexual. While many people only consider this and #5 below to be a “true” affair (as compared to #1-#3 above), each of the other types of milder affairs listed above can easily lead up to this.

5. Long-term affair:
Any sexual affair that goes on for months or years would be considered a long-term affair. While each type of affair listed here can seriously damage a marital relationship, a long-term affair is likely to do the most damage.

What To Do As The Husband

As the husband of a woman who seems to be engaged currently in at least one of these types of affairs, you need to immediately take control of the situation. While you cannot control your wife or her actions, you can control how you respond to the situation.

You need to start by honoring your own feelings – which no doubt are varied and complicated – about this issue. Then, you should put together a plan to either end your marriage or to find a way to rebuild the relationship with your wife to back to one of trust and love again.

Remember, no matter what, the worst thing you can do is nothing. So, take control.

Author Bio: Find tools and techniques needed to survive an affair that were designed by an expert who has helped over 10,000 couples do the same at: We Can Survive The Affair.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: Married Women\’s Affairs,5 Types Of Affairs & What The Husband Can Do About It

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