How to Spot Chronic Anxiety – 5 Common Symptoms

Anxiety is a normal experience for everyone. In fact, it is a natural response all humans have for self-preservation, to keep themselves safe. But these days, a lot of people are experiencing levels of anxiety that are way beyond normal. Anxiety will make a person produce excessive amounts of adrenaline and other hormones because the brain mistakenly perceives that the body is in danger so it readies it to either fight or flee. These mistakenly perceived threats aren’t really life-threatening. Most of them are just mundane things like money worries or even talking to other people. And for sufferers, their daily living has become quite a struggle.

Now how can you know if a loved one, or maybe even yourself, is suffering from anxiety disorder? Here are the signs that you should look for:

1. You’re constantly worrying. Sufferers of anxiety attacks feel near-constant apprehension from their surroundings. They do not know exactly what worries them, it might be pressures from work or school, family problems, money troubles, and others. They have a vague sense of what really is the matter with them. all they know is that they are worried.

2. Chronic anxiety can either manifest itself suddenly or it may grow on you after some time. A lot of sufferers link their anxiety to a particularly traumatic event that happened to them, most of them even suffer from flashbacks of the said event throughout their whole lives. When people are reminded of their traumatic experience their hearts begin to race, they sweat bullets, and they oftentimes get dizzy.

3. It is common for anxiety victims to have an accompanying stress-related illness or condition. Most of the time it is insomnia, or the inability to sleep normally, that comes with anxiety. Other conditions that often come with anxiety disorder are irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, and fatigue. Most of the sufferers don’t even know that they have anxiety disorders; they are only made aware of it when they get treatment for its underlying symptoms.

4. Because anxiety usually shows itself in uncomfortable and sometimes humiliating ways, those that have anxiety disorders tend to avoid situations that trigger their anxiety attacks. They will change their daily routine just so they could avoid triggering their attacks. They constantly live in fear of the next panic attack, thus making their condition worse.

5. Studies have shown that women are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders than men. Other people who have a high chance of getting anxiety disorders are people that play the role of a caregiver to a sick loved one.

The causes of chronic anxiety are like snowflakes, no two people experience anxiety exactly the same way. The signs that were just presented are the most common symptoms in anxiety disorder sufferers. The severity and magnitude of every single attack are also different from each other. So if you find that you or someone you know has at least one of the aforementioned symptoms, consider getting professional psychiatric help already.

Author Bio: Do you suffer with horrible panic attacks? Learn how an “Average Joe” beat panic attacks with dead simple techniques!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: chronic anxiety,anxiety disorders,anxiety disorder

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