Transport System to Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is not something to be found only in a cave in deep crevasses of the Himalayas by 100 plus year old monks. Since it is an inner state, it is independent of circumstances and external conditions. And it is attainable now, irrespective of what is going on in ones life.

People are constantly seeking ways to alleviate or overcome worries, anxieties and fears. The majority of us desire happiness and a feeling of confidence. All this results from inner peace.

When an individual attains a sense of peace, they act and react differently, and this transforms their inner and external world. In fact external conditions can only make us happy if we are serene.

One need not worry that peace of mind will make life dull, uninteresting and boring. In fact one enjoys life more, because life is uncomplicated and easy. It is filled with calmness and happiness and a personal inner strength is unveiled. You will not feel threatened by anything. And, you’ll experience more deep-seated joy.

Here are a few tools I have used; Successfully.

Reduce the amount of time spent reading the newspaper or watching the news on TV.

Make the comics the first part of the Sunday paper you read.

Steer away from “gloomy” conversations, and from negative people.

Concentrate on what you really want to occur, not on what you don’t want to happen. This in turn has an effect on ones thinking and tones the mind into expecting positive results.

Know your limitations. Do not take on more responsibilities than you are capable of carrying out.

Practice straightforwardness in dealing with others.

Some of us create our own problems by interceding in others’ affairs. Unless asked, do not get involved in another persons’ business (life).

Pay yourself. The best way to have financial peace during this changing economic time is to have some cushion in your bank account. Use the ability found at most banks to make automatic transfers into a “pay me” fund. This may require allocating a small amount; but start today.

Do the most bothersome task first thing in the morning, and enjoy increased productivity (and peace of mind) for the rest of the day.

Try “3 Simple things I like/love about…” It is quick exercise if you ever find yourself bored, such as in traffic or in the checkout line at the grocery store. It eliminates boredom, and is a great mood lifter.

Expect things to be different than hoped or planned; expect the unexpected to happen. Sometimes life has a way of turning out differently than planned. By allowing for this, we can breathe a sigh of relief and open the door to a more powerful way of living.

Walk to a window, look outside, and take a deep breath. Focus on that breath and nothing else in the whole world. This technique is extremely simple. You won’t believe how fast you can boost your spirits.

Claim the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of the day. As you’re lying in bed begin to notice your breathing. Easily relax your body and mind by noticing how the breath automatically goes in, then out. And observe how you can control this! Now, slow the process down. Ahhhh, rest into a feeling of inner calm that develops.

Peace of mind is available to us all. But we have to reach out and claim it. Start cultivating it today. Make it your second nature and you’d be amazed at how wonderful life can be.

Author Bio: Mary Kay is available for private consultations, speaking engagements, etc. Be sure to visit her website and sign up for her *FREE* Monthly Newsletter. Ignite your presence, and live in a whole new world of simplicity, ease and enjoyment!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: pay yourself first,expect to be happy,make your own rules,self help, happiness,

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