India’s Strategic Concept of Power

Rely on military power is the core of India’s Great Power Strategy in 2010 fiscal year military budget increase of 24%, increased to 28.4 billion U.S. dollars. In recent years, only spent a year in India to buy advanced weapons from foreign countries to be as high as 60 billion, India has become the world’s largest arms importer.

Recently, according to media reports, India had decided to spend about 4.5 billion purchase four long-range patrol aircraft and four amphibious ships, in turn bought from Russia from 250 to 300 fifth-generation fighter, to enhance the combat capability at sea, will to a large extent Indian Navy to expand the scope of activities. India’s rising military power is India’s “Great Power Strategy,” the continuation of military power in India is still pursuing the strategy.

India has always been a regional power, especially in the South Asian region as well as plays an important role and influence, but the meaning of world powers of view, India is not a real sense of power, political influence and military capabilities in the world, after all, limited . For India, it is not confined to India’s regional power strategy of all major powers, India’s power strategy is the concept of military power and political influence beyond South Asia and throughout the region, extending to the world.

Over the years, from the perspective of national strategy, India has always pursued the development of high technology, enhance the comprehensive national strength as the core of the national strategy, and strive to continue to consolidate the dominant position of South Asia and the Indian Ocean, from regional power to become an influential “world power, “a place in the international arena. However, since the former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India proposed “to make a vivid and dramatic power” – “power strategy” since over half a century, India’s “Great Power Strategy” not only failed to achieve long-cherished wish, and to achieve Nehru’s “great power strategy “increasingly slim. First of all, to achieve “great power strategy” must have a strong economic base. In the economy, due to the long-term tensions between India and Pakistan, do not put out the flames of war in Kashmir, India, Pakistan to deal with the military, military spending continued to expand, so that India does not have sufficient financial and material resources for economic development, economic development be affected, losing to achieve “power strategy” the necessary conditions. Secondly, we must become a global power, India’s foreign strategy is not limited to South Asia, South Asia, but to get out to the need to safeguard security in the region.

Therefore, the gradual implementation of India “power strategy” of the steps required from three aspects: First, the need to address the India-Pakistan relations and achieving a ceasefire in Kashmir to ensure regional security in South Asia, freed from the problems in South Asia, only India’s foreign strategy may be carried out. Second, the need for economic development, investment in arms to lay the material foundation, or the development of military strength out of the question. Third, the development of naval forces to spare no effort to promote the Indian naval forces from the Indian Ocean on the rise, and under the conditions of mature and may gradually extend to the world, to expand its political influence and increase the degree of its military deterrent. Obviously, these steps in recent years in India to speed up the process.

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