Why Drugs to Lower Cholesterol Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

When receiving a diagnosis of high cholesterol from your doctor all too often they will hand you a prescription for a pill that will help you lower your cholesterol to more acceptable levels. Many doctors today do not take the time to discuss the effects of lifestyle changes in diet and exercise will have in reducing cholesterol levels. Even more concerning is the fact that you may not even be told about the benefits and risks that is associated with these drugs.

These drugs go under several different brand names but all belong to a class of drugs known as Statins. While there are approximately 12 million people taking these drugs the problem comes because they carry with them some very serious side effects.

One of the more common side effects that people experience is pain and weakness in their muscles. This is a condition that can take a long time to resolve and is caused by statins increasing the levels of a muscle enzyme called CPK. This condition can be extremely painful for some that experience it because of the inflammation it causes in the muscle. In some rare cases this can set off a series of more serious events. The reason that doctors want a blood test for most people new to statins is that it can cause the kidneys to work overtime in discarding the byproducts of muscle breakdown through the urine. Proteins from this muscle damage can build up in the kidneys and cause permanent damage and possibly death.

Another problem that statins can cause is the depletion of Coenzyme Q10 also known as CoQ10. This enzyme is present in the mitochondria of your cells. The mitochondria are responsible for the production of energy in the cells. This is a compound that you do not want to deplete. CoQ10 is also needed for the production of ATP which is needed for muscle contraction and protein production in the body. You can see how depletion of CoQ10 can have some very negative affects on the body.

Studies have shown that having adequate levels of CoQ10 can be of benefit to preventing the onset of heart disease as well as its treatment. Additional benefits from this are in blood clotting capacity and the role it plays as an antioxidant. For these reasons people need to know the affects that statins have on the levels of this important enzyme.

It has been documented that people experiencing a heart attack have low levels of CoQ10. Studies have also shown that when levels of this enzyme are brought up to normal there is less chance of the patient having a subsequent attack and in those who do the level of chest pain is greatly reduced.

It has been shown that in patients with lower levels of CoQ10 cholesterol levels are higher than in people with adequate levels of the enzyme. This is true even when they are taking statin medications to lower cholesterol. If you take a person that already has lower levels of this enzyme introduction of statins can further reduce it.

People need to understand that Statin drugs are not the only way to lower cholesterol. There are more natural ways to do this that involve some simple lifestyle changes. If your doctor suggests drugs to do this make sure you ask about these alternatives and have a good understanding of the side effects of the drugs he or she are prescribing. Your pharmacist is also a very good source of information.

Remember that knowledge equates to power. Get all the information and do your research on the side effects of any medication that is being prescribed to you. Demand that your health care professional provide you with this information.

Author Bio: If you are serious about lowering your cholesterol levels you need to know that there are alternatives to the side effects of Statins. You need to find out how to lower cholesterol using these means immediately. You will be on your way to a happier and healthier life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to lower cholesterol,health,statins,drugs

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