Science Fair Projects Can be Fun, Informative and Useful

How to make soap wand bubbles

You have seen clowns blowing out multicolored bubbles that are as big as melons and which float through the air for almost a minute before popping. There are science fair projects that allow you to make those bubbles. You only need to add sugar to the soap solution to make those durable bubbles. That is because sugar combines with soap to make the surface of the bubble tougher.

To make reinforced bubbles you will require 9 cups containing water mixed with 1 cup containing detergent soap. Mix and stir the soap solution. Get 8 tbsp of sugar or corn syrup or glycerin and add that into the solution. Continue stirring until everything is even. To eliminate any alcohol in the solution, cover the basin and leave overnight.

The instructions for this sample of science fair projects have the scientific explanation for the results.

Cool Flame

Some types of fireworks are so safe as to be usable as birthday cake candles. They produce their sparkles using cool flame principles. They are low in heat and residue and are therefore safe enough to use around food

The procedure followed in this science fair projects example requires you to soak a piece of paper in alcohol and to set fire to it. The flame produced is cool flame. It will not burn the paper.

The greenest pyrotechnics that we have today are the ice fountains. They are based on the same flame that will not burn paper in the experiment. Ice fountains are non-polluting and are not too hot.

An experiment proving the emission of gases during fermentation

The majority of us know that beer and wine are the result of fermenting wine and beer juice with yeast. The transformation of sugars into alcohol emits CO2 gases into the air.

The science fair projects demonstrating the production of gases by fermentation is easily assembled. You will require grape juice diluted in potable water. Everything should be in a 4-gallon container. Add sugar to the mixture to increase the alcohol content of the wine. You will need to activate the yeast by boiling before you mix it into the juice. Once done, cover the mouth of the jar with the balloon. Fix the balloon in place with rubber bands. With a pin, puncture the balloon several times.

Wait for about 12 hours for the signs of fermentation. At that time, the balloon will swell up with the gases produced in the liquid. The holes you punched into it are for letting the CO2 out.

Science fair projects may also be useful

Science fair projects can be useful as well as being informative. For example, from an experiment on the repellent effects of certain plants on mosquitoes, you will learn what plants you can grow in your garden to drive away those insects. You can also directly use the results of other experiments. For instance the power generated from sun power can be used to run appliances in the house.

Finally, someone who has an interest in making wines, can get his first experience in that area from the experiments on fermentation. From there, he might want to go on to perfecting his skill in making wine and beer.

Doc No:MB-825-ULT10-j53m

Author Bio: Madeline Binder’s passion is to assist each student to have a successful learning experience when doing science fair projects. Whether a child uses a science fair projects kits, student microscopes or household items, learning the process can be applied to life.

Category: Education
Keywords: science fair projects,science fair,fair projects

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