Getting the Sleep You Need While Pregnant: A Guide Through the Trimesters
A restful night’s sleep becomes more precious during pregnancy because it is more elusive. Moms-to-be must cope with an array of challenges that prevent them from getting the rest they need. From bouts of anxiety to physical discomfort to frequent trips to the restroom, getting a full eight hours of slumber may seem all but impossible.
Below, we’ll help you prepare for what lies ahead by describing what other pregnant women have experienced. Common obstacles to peaceful sleep during the first trimester differ from those you’ll confront in your second and third trimesters. We’ll take you through all three phases so you’ll know what to expect.
Months One Through Three
When you become pregnant, your body begins to produce a high level of progesterone. This hormone causes sleepiness, which is one of the reasons moms-to-be crave naps. An otherwise routine day becomes incredibly tiring since progesterone makes you feel drowsy.
You might think this hormone would improve your ability to sleep during the evening. In reality, it has the opposite effect. It disrupts your normal sleep pattern, which makes you feel perpetually tired throughout the week.
Another challenge during the first trimester includes an increasing need to use the restroom. Your uterus begins to exert more pressure against your bladder. Even if your fluid intake remains the same, you’ll need to pee more often.
A lot of pregnant women also suffer from bouts of nausea due to morning sickness. This, along with dreams and growing physical discomfort, make sleep even more difficult. The good news, however, is that a good night’s rest becomes easier during your second trimester.
Months Four Through Six
Sleeping during this phase of your pregnancy will be easier, though still more difficult than during your pre-pregnancy days. There will be challenges. Progesterone will continue to course through your body, though at a lower level than previously. This means you’ll still experience mild bouts of drowsiness.
By this time, you’ll also need to start sleeping on your side. Increasing tenderness in the breasts may prevent you from doing so comfortably on your stomach. Meanwhile, the weight of your uterus on your spine, intestines, and the vena cava will make lying on your back unwise. Learning to sleep on your side may be uncomfortable if you’re accustomed to doing so on your stomach or back.
You might also experience persistent leg cramps and sleep apnea during your second trimester. These, too, will make it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep. When the third trimester arrives, however, peaceful sleep will become even more troublesome.
Months Seven Through Nine
Moms-to-be typically get less sleep during this stage than during the first three months. You’ll find yourself waking up throughout the night, and seldom reaching the deep sleep you enjoyed prior to becoming pregnant. There are a few reasons.
First, your baby is now exerting more pressure than ever on your bladder. As during your first trimester, frequent trips to the bathroom will be common; in fact, they will likely occur more frequently. Consider avoiding fluids two or three hours before going to bed.
Second, your physical discomfort will reach its peak. Sleeping on your side will likely be more uncomfortable than ever. Many pregnant women are able to increase their comfort by placing pillows between their legs, but some find even this offers little relief. If you’re unable to get comfortable, try sleeping while propped up with pillows behind your back.
Other obstacles include leg cramps, congestion, heartburn, and your baby’s kicking. Together, these challenges will make sleep more precious (and rarer) than ever.
While sleeping peacefully is difficult during pregnancy, it will likely become more so once your baby is born. You’ll find yourself waking throughout the night to nurse your infant, and respond to her needs. Most new moms-to-be look back upon the limited sleep they enjoyed while they were pregnant with fondness.
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Category: Parenting
Keywords: getting sleep while pregnant, sleep through trimesters,