India and Japan to Jointly Deal With China

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Tokyo on Monday with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan met to discuss regional security issues, the meeting took place in people’s attitude towards the issue of China’s territory is more tough and in the context of anxiety.

Japan-China East China Sea due to the outbreak of the disputed islands, the most serious diplomatic dispute years later, Tokyo is trying to repair relations with Beijing. Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated sharply last month, as the Japanese seized the islands in the Senkaku (or Diaoyu Islands) and the Japanese patrol boat collided near a Chinese trawler’s captain.

Asia’s biggest dispute between the two economies is a warning to Japan, to remind it the risk of economic integration with China. Beijing temporarily suspended high-level contacts with Japan, and the fact that exports to Japan stopped the production of many critical electronic earth.

India’s leadership that in the next few years, which, like Japan, China will have to deal with the relationship between cooperation and competition. Sino-Indian bilateral trade has been growing, this year it is estimated that about 600 billion U.S. dollars, while at the same time India is also increasingly worried about China in neighboring Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka’s growing influence.

Indian political leaders and armed forces of the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir, border disputes, and China’s growing naval power uneasy.

Analysts said Japan and China deal with its maritime territorial disputes in the way of guiding significance to India. India has always been Chinese ships in the Indian Ocean, the Indian waters as their own concerns about the site. Indian leaders worry that there will be similar to the trawler incident like that “accident” caused on both sides of the Himalayas, diplomatic and economic confrontation.

Singh will also visit Malaysia and Vietnam. Before his visit, said: “India-Japan global strategic partnership between our two countries to consolidate the political arena has been up and down the full support of Asia and the world to promote peace, prosperity and stability is an important factor.”

The reason for Japan to strengthen relations with India, in addition to economic reasons as well as its foreign policy reasons. As Asia’s fastest growing economy, democratic country, India could become an important force in China of checks and balances. Recently, China has territorial disputes in Japan has taken on an increasingly confrontational stance.

Raman Indian experts said that as the threat by the largest expansion strategy in China, India, Japan and Vietnam should work together to discuss how to deal with China, and to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will begin October 24 in Japan, Vietnam and Malaysia, a 6-day visit, in addition he will also attend the East Asia Summit held in Hanoi, the three countries with more bilateral visits.

Japan, Vietnam and Malaysia, the leaders of the three countries have good reason to continue to reiterate that the Chinese military on the East China Sea, the disputed South China Sea and Indian sovereignty over Arunachal Pradesh has increasingly shown by the arbitrariness and expressed concern.

Territorial disputes, the situation is conducive to India, Japan and Vietnam. China has always wanted to strengthen the Navy and its military capabilities in Tibet to change this situation.

China has developed a series of new programs: to upgrade and expand the road network in Tibet, and the Air Force’s strategy to extend beyond its territorial airspace. This can be from the recent joint military exercises of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Chinese Air Force in September this year, with the Turkish Air Force in Turkey at a joint military exercise in the airspace glimpse.

At the same time, China has also increased in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, Gilgit – Baltistan region’s strategic presence in order to strengthen its control over Xinjiang, and in the fight against India build a new strategic frontier.

Chinese seem determined to act in accordance with their own plan to help Pakistan build two nuclear power plants at least, regardless of the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s opposition.

Chinese navy is still too aggressive harassment of the South China Sea in Vietnam legitimate fishing and oil and gas exploration ship. While China and Japan in the East China Sea belongs to the Senkaku Islands dispute over the issue, but also highlights China’s growing naval power by challenging the status quo resolve the East China Sea.

These are not isolated incidents, but the development of China’s deliberate strategy to strengthen its territorial claims and expansion strategies and strategic impact of existing hard evidence.

Chinese aided Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar port reconstruction project and determined the practice of Chittagong in Bangladesh, are the boundaries of its expansion strategy, the specific steps of the long-term strategy.

Greatest threat to China’s expansion strategy by India, Japan and Vietnam to discuss how the three countries should work together to deal with China, while avoiding unnecessary conflict. Singh to Japan in the upcoming Vietnam visit that issue should be discussed.

Three can be considered with reference to China, Russia and some Central Asian countries a few years ago, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization established a similar organization established – Hanoi Cooperation Organization.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s main purpose is to protect its members against terrorism, extremism and separatism damage. The main purpose of cooperative organizations in Hanoi can be set to promote cooperation and common monitoring and evaluation of factors from the State or non-state threats to regional security, and help each other improve their skills.

U.S. maritime hegemony of China and its increased activity in the Indian Ocean region have concerns, as the region’s major sea power, the United States should have the same anxiety as South Korea to join the organization. Founder countries of the organization shall be: India, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea and the United States. If goes well, new members can be considered to expand the organization.

India should take advantage of Obama’s visit to New Delhi this opportunity with them to discuss the establishment of the organization.

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