Advice to Prevent You From Ruining Your Marriage – 7 Tips

Sometimes, marriage is bliss – with the couple truly enjoying spending the time they have together and feeling lucky that they have found each other. At other times, marriage can be pretty uncomfortable, with fighting and arguing seeming to be more common than harmony and happiness.

Fortunately, with either of these extremes, it is pretty easy to gauge just how well your marriage is going. If things are blissful, you bask in the enjoyment while it lasts. If things are hellish, you do whatever it takes to work things out between you.

However, it is those in-between times in a marriage that you have to watch out for. It is precisely those times when your marriage seems “just fine” and you are focusing on other concerns that the Jeep can veer off the road and into a thick patch of weeds.

The best way to navigate around this type of situation is to become as aware of possible of the common pitfalls that married couples can fall into. These are the things that can go awry just at the moment when you thought everything was going fine.

If you are looking for advice to prevent you from ruining your marriage, here are 7 tips that can help:

1. Respect the fact that you grew up in different households:
Remember that the two of you grew up in very different environments at home. The way to properly load the dishwasher, place the toilet paper onto the dispenser bar, use or not use a sponge in the kitchen, make a bed – and do a hundred other things – may have been very different in each of your households. It is not realistic to assume your way is automatically better or right. Find a way to compromise on those items that you cannot agree upon.

2. Stay faithful:
This means not only in body, but in mind. Sure, a bit of light flirting may be harmless. But, if you are falling in love with another person – even if it never turns physical – that is an emotional affair and could ruin your marriage if left unchecked.

3. Avoid putting the other person down in any situation:
Never, ever put down your spouse. Sure, be honest if your spouse asks your opinion on something sensitive. But, make sure that you avoid ever saying something that displays any negativity or contempt for the way he or she does things.

4. Do not talk badly about their in-laws:
In-laws are off-limits. Sure, your spouse’s mother-in-law may drive you up the wall, but remember, that’s their mom. Tread lightly while you find ways to make peace with the in-laws.

5. Fulfill your promises:
If you promise to do certain chores around the house, do them. Keep up your side of the bargain and you will increase the chances that your spouse will do the same.

6. Be mindful of the other person’s signals:
Your spouse may be trying to tell you things with their eyes or through tiny, indirect hints. Maybe the message about how to do a certain thing a bit differently. Maybe it’s about the birthday present he or she really wants. Hint: listen to their signals, no matter how faint. Your spouse is trying to tell you what will make him or her happy!

7. Plan for the future with each other in mind:
Finally, when you talk or think about what you want out of life in the future, keep your spouse in mind as you plan. Remember, the two of you are in this together for the long-haul, so plan for him or her and they will do the same for you.

Follow these 7 tips for how to prevent you from ruining your marriage.

Author Bio: Get your marriage back on track with expert relationship advice from someone who has helps thousands of marriages find more happiness at: Give My Marriage A Boost.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: Advice To Prevent You From Ruining Your Marriage,7 Tips to maintain a healthy marriage

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