Why More Parents Choose Home Schooling For Their Kids

In the 1980’s, a number of conservative Christians pursued the legality of home schooling that led to its open acceptance in all States. Some parents protect their kids’ values and formation by opting to teach them at home and away from uncontrollable influences in the public schooling setting. This has resulted to about 1.1 million homes having education out of school, just in 2005 alone.

Home schooling is defined as the education given by parents, private tutors, or professionals to children at a home setting. There is no classroom setting and the need to attend public school teaching to earn educational credits. The good thing about this education program is that a home-taught graduate can still enter various other educational institutions like universities and technical schools to have higher education. There has been no substantial limits to home schooling that can hinder any academic growth for your kids or teens.

But what are the reasons behind parents opting for this new form of education? First, parents at the start of home schooling chose to do so because they are standing up for their religious beliefs and values. These parents know that there are negative conditions that can be promoted in public schooling. Factors like drugs, peer pressure, and bullying can be any parent’s nightmare when their kids go to the usual school education. At this time though, the demographics of kids getting home schooled are just no longer from the religious conservatives. Surprisingly, there is a turn out of various families coming from different backgrounds who finds home schooling more convenient and practical.

Second most common reason for choosing home schooling is the readily available bonding time spent between parent and child during their learning activities. Most of the parents who want home schooling are hands-on parents. They can easily mold their children with the values and beliefs that come from them. For kids who have private tutors, the attention given by their tutor can maximize their learning capacity since they do not have to share their tutor with any one else. Also, even if tutors took hold of the teaching of their children, parents are often still involved with their home schooling kids as they can easily monitor the progress being made by their children from the report of the private tutor.

And lastly, parents choose home schooling for financial reasons. Going to school can cost a lot aside from the other school services, projects, trips, and other miscellaneous related to formal education. Usually, one parent stays home in a home schooling setting and the whole household depends on the other parent for income. This might sound as a challenge to some, but it helps the family to get involved in money saving. As young as they are, they can feel they are being valued for their small contributions and would even become more grateful to their parents.

Finding alternative choices for your kids’ education can really help you when you have a certain situation or condition at hand. Fortunately, there is a rising number of communities that acknowledge this educational form and has put up a few help support. They provide resources and offer support for parents who have their children home-schooled.

Author Bio: Nancy Z.

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