Role of Nerve Tonic in Anxiety Disorder Elimination

Anxiety disorder consists of not only panic attacks or ‘generalized anxiety disorder’. It is actually a blanket term covering several different forms of pathological anxieties and fears. It is true that under normal circumstances, these anxieties and fears are not only typical, but also gainful reaction to certain situation. However, when we talk about anxiety disorder they are simply an abnormal reaction to a normal situation.

Those who suffer from GAD, for instance, keep worrying about most mundane things that most would simply ignore. The anxieties are not focused on particular situation or objects, but are persistent nonetheless. The patient just simply worries; there need not be any rhyme and reason behind it. Such a person is often diagnosed as depressed and rather than as suffering from anxiety disorder and pumped with antidepressant, which does more harm than good. However, what else is to be done?

Diagnosis of anxiety disorder takes a lot of time and expertise and few doctors have them. It is much easier to prescribe antidepressant and have it done away with. Moreover, as these antidepressants have anxiety components as well, there is always a marked improvement in the behavior of the patient. This makes both the doctor and the patient happy, but never cured. If you are having such problems and finding it difficult to cope, there is a homeopathic medicine called Nerve Tonic; it will provide a calm disposition without producing any harmful side effect.

For complete recovery, it is important for you to learn to differentiate between depression and anxiety.

– Depression is caused by change in some chemicals produced in the brain. These chemicals control the mood and nerve tonics aimed at controlling these chemicals can uplift your mood. This makes you seem less anxious, but that is all.

– Anxiety, on the other hand is a behavioral condition caused by amygdala. Amygdala on perceiving threat sets of a chain reaction to counter the threat. This we call normal anxiety or panic. They help to save ourselves from normal threat. However, when there is no actual threat, yet the amygdala perceives one and sets off the chained reaction we have anxiety disorder. Medicines do not help you there, but therapies can.

It is important to note that to counter anxiety disorder you have to unlearn what you had erroneously learnt as true. Nerve tonic cannot help you there. Joe Barry, the author of Panic Away, one of the leading panic treatment programs, advocates an advanced mode of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to control the panic attacks or other anxiety problems. He has simplified CBT to make it acceptable to most sufferers and calls this ‘One Move Technique’. He boldly claims that if you can implement it properly, it can eliminate your anxiety problems for good.

Charles Linden is another such personality who promises to eliminate your anxiety disorder without the use of medicine. Read Linden Method reviews to learn more about it. Charles insists that although anxiety disorder feels horrific, it cannot actually harm you because the threat you perceive does not actually exist. You feel panicky and anxious without there being any reason to feel so. In his program, he shows how by following simple, but structured line up one can eliminate that wrong perception forever.

Yet, why do many health practitioners prescribe medicines like Nerve Tonic for people who are suffering from anxiety disorder? Although experts like Joe Barry or Charles Linden do not believe that nerve tonic can be of any real help, I beg to differ. Unless you are exceptionally strong willed you need them to stay calm and carry on the treatment systematically. It relieves the effects of stress and worries, reduces everyday nervous tension and helps you stay calm. However, if you need more specific help you can look towards medicines like PureCalm and MindSoothe.

PureCalm is quick acting and can be taken instead of the benzodiazepine group of medicines to get quick relief. You can have them on regular basis or on, as is necessary basis. They, like benzodiazepines, will control the symptoms instantly and promote an overall wellbeing, but unlike them, they are not at all addictive. Moreover, these are safe for children and adults alike. Then again, medicines like MindSoothe are more suitable for long-term use and can be used instead of antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or monoamine oxidase inhibitors. In extreme cases, you can take three of them together.

The bottom line is that you can eliminate anxiety disorder if you follow the right path and you can do that without the use of anxiety medicines. However, in more severe cases, you ought to take medicines like Nerve Tonic to stay calm and carry on the treatment properly.

Author Bio: Article by Beth Kaminski of, a website with the best curing your anxiety and panic attacks and mindsoothe reviews information on the web.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: anxiety disorder, nerve tonic, Joe Barry, Linden method review, nerve tonic

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