New Round of Trade Friction Shock Wave Sudden Attack

The implementation of various trade protection measures frequently.

Following the provisional local time on October 15 released the latest issue of the United States, “International Economic and Exchange Rate Policies report” after the release delay, the Group of Twenty (G20) finance ministers and central bank governors before the dispute also reached a global exchange rate consensus. Members pledged to “avoid competitive currency devaluation, and promote the current account balance”, so after a surge of the number of “exchange rate war” a temporary cooling crisis.

However, enveloped in the global market, especially the shadow of China’s export industries have not dispersed. Website of the Ministry of Commerce announced on October 20, the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled that the continuation of my iron casting products exports to the U.S. anti-dumping duty order, the rate is 11.66%, the implementation period of five years.

Only every two days later, the U.S. Department of Commerce to re-issued a notice to modify seamless dual final results of countervailing duty cases to the original award calculation error on the grounds, a substantial increase in the implementation of the countervailing duty rate of Chinese enterprises.

However, these cases are just the recent U.S. “trade friction frenzy” a microcosm – Statistics show that only the October 1 to 15, the U.S. Department of Commerce trade with China as many as 24 relief and related cases, of which 12 to the 15th from four days to up to 9!

Experts believe that the United States in the newly launched trade war, including seven to 337 as the core intellectual property litigation and an investigation is characterized by unilateral action of 301 investigations in the fields of solar lights, LCD monitors and other products, This shows that the U.S. initiated the trade friction is increasingly to high value-added industries and new industrial concentration.

At the 108th Canton Fair, China’s export enterprises have a new round of U.S. trade frictions deep feelings. Ho, general manager of Shenzhen Yi Yanjialong letter said that in the past six years, the company suffered a 6 to trade friction, including 337 surveys, although the company has won all of the proceedings, but the cost is huge, so businesses overwhelmed.

Trade friction may become a “protracted war”

Experts believe that the current round of trade friction in the wave behind, the United States early this year introduced the “National Export revitalization plan,” the shadow is difficult to ignore.

Huang Jingbo Sun Yat-sen Professor of International Trade, said the United States earlier this year introduced the “National Export revitalization plan” target to make U.S. exports to double in 5 years, and an additional 200 million jobs, and the implementation of the plan is an important means of called to “speed up the construction of free and fair access to the world market.” In the current “exchange rate war” did not succeed in the case, launch of trade friction will come out ahead.

“Some people and organizations in the U.S. view, the sluggish economy, especially exports, the deficit too much, because the U.S. economy itself is not structural defects, but the so-called other market barriers to U.S. companies engage in, engage in unfair trade, the United States should trying to start a variety of trade protection measures, engage in anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations, foreign trade institutions and export enterprises in China must be prepared to deal with the preparation of more trade friction. “Huang Jingbo said.

Urgent need for an early response to foreign trade

The face of increasing trade friction, active against able to achieve better results. October 22, the WTO Dispute Settlement Body issued a I v. United States anti-dumping and countervailing measures, dispute panel report. Law Department, Ministry of Commerce official said that China welcomes the Panel ruled that the U.S. standard of my pipe, rectangular pipe, composite woven and non-highway tire products to take the dual measures violate WTO rules.

Positive response, while the government, China’s enterprises also need to carry out positive action. In the Canton Fair, Gree Electric Appliances, general manager of overseas sales friend of Shaw, said the company has taken note of the current trend of high-end trade friction shift in new product development Gree already begun to focus on the industry in the direction of the advance preparations to respond to possible future barriers to trade.

An interview many business executives believe that the current anti-subsidy investigations against the government policy measures such as barriers to trade more and more. In response to this trend, the government should guide and coordinate the relevant national departments and intermediary organizations dealing with trade frictions, guide industry associations, chambers of commerce to strengthen industry self-regulation as well as consultations among relevant organizations abroad.

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