EU May Increase Economic Growth is Expected

European Central Bank Governing Council member of the Luxembourg central bank governor, Mo Shi Oct. 26, said recent economic data is encouraging, some countries in the euro area domestic demand is propelled by strong economic recovery throughout the region, the ECB raised euro zone economic outlook is likely to expected.

28-29 at the forthcoming EU leaders at Brussels summit, member states will become the core of the economic governance reform agenda. CEO Klaus financial stability institutions in Europe – Regling 26, said the euro zone sovereign debt crises have been through the worst, but still exist between member states “significant differences.” There are signs that countries such as Ireland and Greece have to step up efforts to reduce the deficit.

Doubts about the speed of economic recovery

Mo Shi said that recently some members of the euro area is undoubtedly the strong recovery in domestic demand is helping the economic recovery throughout the region, and to lay the basis for regional economic development. He said the ECB may be published in December when the next economic forecast, raising expectations for the euro zone’s economic prospects.

The latest Eurostat data released this week show that 16 countries in the euro zone in August industrial orders increased 5.3% qoq, far more than economists had expected. The data for July were down 1.8%.

U.S. economic research institutes Archer, chief European economist at Global Insight believes that the data in Europe in August industrial orders rising, suggesting the fourth quarter, the manufacturing sector in the region will continue to grow strongly, but the prospects for the next few months the manufacturing sector is still unknown.

However, as the EU economy “engine” of the German is optimistic about the economic recovery of Europe under the sign of pouring a pot of cold water. European Central Bank board member, German Bundesbank President Axel Weber, 26, said the German economy is currently in a “transitional period”, yet not be fully sustained recovery trend is expected in the second half of 2010 GDP growth will slow down.

Intensified to reduce the deficit

Promote economic development, reducing the budget deficit is currently an arduous task facing the European Union two. Financial stability of institutions in Europe, CEO Regling 26, said: “In recent months, European governments are ready for fiscal consolidation policy, the worst debt crisis in Europe has been left behind us.” But he also pointed out that despite The EU is walking in the path of fiscal consolidation, but the work of Member States in the progress of budget deficit reduction there are still quite different.

27 Irish Finance Minister Lenihan announced that the country will in 4 years, 15 billion euros deficit reduction to achieve the 2014 deficit-GDP ratio will be controlled within 3% of the target.

In addition, the debt crisis of European origin the financial situation of Greece, is not optimistic. Pacific Investment Management Company Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer Ai Lian, 26, said because of budget deficit reduction measures not sufficient to reduce the burden of sovereign debt, Greece is likely to default within three years.

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