Recreation and Sports Enhance Competitiveness

Competition has substantially increased in almost all fields of human endeavor. Despite the diversification of opportunities, disciplines, industries, and professions, there are still plenty of hard working professionals who consider their workmates as competitors. This enhances the competitiveness of every worker in all fields. Such desire to be on the top is often regarded as the highest priority in doing work. Thus, most workers, professionals or not, tend to spend most if not all of their time accomplishing tasks, doing overtime to improve their sales output, and spending the rest of the sleepless evenings making reports. These practices seem to significantly contribute to the success of one’s career. However, these have serious ramifications that lurk within which could cause long term damage not only to the person’s profession, but also especially to his health and relationship. Thus, in doing or performing work, one should bear in mind that although the accomplishment of the assigned tasks are among the priorities, there is nothing more important than to have a good health, strong family and personal relationships, and sound psychological state of being.

In ensuring that the person has a balanced life in dealing with work, career, profession, relationship, and personal needs, it is important that he or she does not confine oneself to the stressful walls of the workplace or any other locations that just reminds or call for serious work. Recreation and sports activity centers located almost everywhere in downtown areas are best outlets to ease the tension and relieve the pains that might have been incurred due to too much stress from work. Activities involving recreation and sports do not only improve the physical health of the person. They also enhance one’s competitiveness because the person acquires a serene and clear mind and thoughts, sufficient supply of energy to perform ordinary and extraordinary tasks, and a positive outlook in life derived from healthy and strong relationships with the family and loved ones. Indeed, these activities are not mutually exclusive from competitiveness. In fact, they are the essential elements to achieve utmost competitive level and be on the top since these activities provide the balance of the serious and fun, and industry and leisure. So if you feel that you are not anymore enjoying what you are doing, try to find some time off for fun and entertainment. After all, life is short and it is not just about work and competitiveness. Having fun, satisfaction, and healthy life are the things that matter most.

In every quest for excellence through high levels of competitiveness, everyone must consider the holistic aspect of their lives. Work or profession is just a part of it. Focusing too much on this aspect would not only be contradictory and self-defeating to the objectives of excellence, but it also poses serious threats to other more important parts of the person such as his or her relationships with loved ones, and one’s physical and psychological health. Recreation and sports activities effectively strike a balance between these essential parts of the person – demands from work and personal needs.

Author Bio: Reba N. Stern enjoys writing for which sells cart accessories and golf cart parts as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: golf cart accessories, golf car parts

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