Guide to Pregnancy: Conception Tips That Work

Keep the condoms away!

Of course, quitting the use of condoms and other contraceptive methods is a necessary method from conception tips that work. Condoms and other barriers prevent the sperm cells from entering and meeting the egg.
If you have plans to get pregnant soon, then you must stop taking contraceptive pills sooner. Pills prevent the lining of the uterus to host a fertilized egg and its effects may last about 1 month after last pill intake.

Know thy calendar

Next in the line of conception tips that work is proper timing. It takes time before the egg is released into the female reproductive system. This is the process called ovulation cycle. In order to have fertilization, the sperm cell should meet the egg. For women with regular periods, this phase usually occurs two weeks after most recent menstruation. It is best to have sexual intercourse in these fertile days.

The dates of peak fertility can be predicted through ovulation calendars or calculators. There are free and dependable versions of calendars in the internet. However, women with irregular periods may need other techniques like cervical mucus method and basal body temperature recording.

It is also about your partner!

It only takes one sperm cell to fertilize the egg in the woman’s body and there are millions of sperm in a teaspoonful of semen. However, if the sperm cells of your partner are abnormal, then the chances of fertilization are significantly lowered. Abnormal sperm has multiple tails or heads, or they are “unhealthy” so that they quickly die in the female body.

This case can be avoided by wearing boxer shorts! Keep away those tight underwear since tightness and warmth can affect the performance of the testicles. The testicles of men should also be kept cool most of the time.

Relax and Relieve Stress

Another from the conception tips that work is to manage stress. Stress is not only a physical or mental burden; it negatively affects the cardiovascular and nervous system. This may be bad to the development of the baby, even to the chance of pregnancy itself.

Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises are very healthy for women who want to get pregnant. Exercises like jogging and stretching can also relieve stress while encouraging the release of happy hormones. This can improve the chances of pregnancy and sexual performance.

Live and eat healthy

Of all the conception tips that work, healthy lifestyle is the most holistic in approach. Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Exposure to both first-hand and second-hand smoke is very detrimental for the mother and baby. These vices may significantly decrease your chances of pregnancy. Even if there is successful fertilization, alcohol may retard the growth of the fetus. The chemicals from cigarette can also increase the risks of birth defects and stillbirth.

Finally, a good diet completes the conception tips that work. Drink plenty of water. Focus on eating foods and vegetables that are rich in iron, proteins and folate. Folate, in particular prepares the female body in the massive increase of red blood cell production. This will support the body of the mother and the developing fetus during pregnancy.

Author Bio: These conception tips were put together to educate and help couples who are having trouple to conceive a baby. To get a much more thorough outlook and help for problems with getting pregnant visit

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: conception tips, ovulation cycle,chances of pregnancy

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