How One Web Guestbook Unlocks More Sales For Small Business

When a small business wants more sales and more sales revenue, it’s time to fling open the door with an ideal guestbook. This article explains how any business website can turn more visitors into buyers by taking one small step to increase sales conversions.

Most web owners today know the enormous value of website feedback and testimonials from visitors and customers to increase sales. After reading this one article, you will have an easy key to increase sales conversions using the power of feedback from your web business.

I’m sure you agree that web owners want a healthy number of sales conversions, because high sales conversions mean more of your visitors become an owner of the products and services you offer. It’s stands to reason that without your site’s ability to convert visitors into buyers, there are no sales. That means no sales revenue, and the money you want to make doesn’t happen. Frustrating. [GAD!] Success means that a web business must increase sales conversions. Simple to know. Not so simple to accomplish.

Here’s the thing, and this is undisputed. To increase sales conversions easily, provide prospective buyers with proof. Now, that’s not so difficult for a thriving business. Statistics demonstrate that after you outline the benefits of ownership for any product and service, you must then prove your statements: This is an essential step in the selling process. Pretty much most know that the believable proof comes from those who already purchased your products or services. After all, it is logical to conclude that these are the business people or individuals who know best whether what you, the seller, stated is a true fact or hype. What this comes down to is akin to a friend telling a friend about products and services that they found to be worth every penny they paid. It’s the type of proof people believe. Testimonials from real buyers remove buyer doubt and skyrockets sales.

One of the roadblocks to removing buyer doubt today is believability. [True or False] Part of the reason is that too many web pages hawk products using made-up testimonials. Some even have a photo next to the so-called testimonial. Can you believe it? Come on… when was the last time you sent someone a good-guy comment and included your photo? I’ll bet you’re thinking… none. [Why would you?] My guess is that those types of “web page testimonials” come from joint venture participants who help each other out by lending their name for the sake of sharing comments to promote a partner’s product. Is this the best proof? I personally don’t think so.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) agrees. They discovered that there are a lot of made-up testimonials flying around the web. These fictitious testimonials simply bait people into clicking the buy button. Unfortunately, most people are disillusioned with what they get… after they fork over their hard earned money.

This trickery is unfair, so the FTC got involved. They updated the rules about website testimonials in December 2009. The new guidelines now carry penalties for those web page publishers who advertise made-up testimonials about the seller’s products and services for the purpose of tricking someone into buying. It’s a crack-down. [Yikes! It sounds like Elliot Ness is at it again!] Most legitimate web business owners do not want go down the made-up testimonial road.

So how does a legitimate web business collect real testimonials? And how can a legitimate web business publish real praise they receive… without seeming as if they made it up?

A website guestbook is one way. In fact, it’s a great way, because a website guestbook lets visitors [themselves] write and publish comments. It avoids the appearance of impropriety from the web owner who otherwise has to copy comments they receive and paste them on one of their website pages.

There are several web guestbooks out there. Most are free, which look like they are free. Some offer downloads and some are hosted solutions. has a nice feedback form. At this time, it ranges in price from $49/month to $499/month. The on the other hand is $24.97/mo. There are other guestbooks and prices vary. The ideal guestbook makes it easy for visitors to send the website owner comments and praise using a browser-hugging feedback button. [Cool]
But that’s not all…

The comments people write using the Ideal Guestbook are instantly published on a dynamically generated website guest book page. Of course, the web owner has the option to moderate comments before they are published. [Thumbs up on this]

What you want to end up with is a website guestbook listing testimonials written by actual people. [Nice] That’s the kind of believable proof that drives sales conversions… and sales revenue for your web business. It’s one of the best forms of proof there is.

Whatever solution you decide on to improve sales conversions, a guestbook for your website is one of the quickest and easiest ways to prove the value of your products and services. This kind of proof can boost sales beyond your expectations.

Author Bio: About the Author
Alexandria Marx is widely recognized as one of the top advertising copywriters on the Web. She writes on a variety of subjects and specializes in web page sales letters. When you need a copywriter, order copywriting from Alexandria, Master Copywriter. For more tips, subscribe to Dan Marx Creative SalesPro News.

© 2010. A.L. Marx

Category: Business
Keywords: ideal guestbook, web guestbook, website guestbook, online guest book, feedback, testimonials

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