Tantalize Your Tongue With A Tempting Tempeh Treat

Have you ever enjoyed the strong nutty flavor of soybean? If not, then tempting tempeh is here to tantalize your tongue. It is a blend of great flavor and nutrition. Some even consider it to be a meat substitute. Basically, it is an Indonesian food that has been consumed there for centuries. But now it has traveled far across the world and has become quite famous. The best part is that you can easily make it at home. First you need weighing scales or a gram scale to weigh the soybeans you bought. Read on to see how you can proceed further in making tempeh.

– In case you bought whole soybeans, you need to dehull them first. You can either do this by hand or simply buy dehulled beans.

– For dehulling soybeans, you need to soak them in warm water for around twelve hours. After that time when you stir the suspension, the hulls will come to the surface. You can drain that water to get rid of the removed hulls. Add more water until all beans have been dehulled.

– The next step is cooking in which the beans have to be placed in a cooking pot. Add sufficient water so that all the beans get covered. After adding three spoonfuls of vinegar, cook the soybeans for around 30 minutes.

– Then you can drain all the water and place the pot back on low heat. This step is meant to further dry the beans. Once they are sufficiently dried, remove the pot from the stove and allow the beans to cool.

– This is the appropriate time to add tempeh starter into the beans. Make sure the soybean seeds are not too warm when you add starter mix. Stir the mixture for about a minute and wait for a while.

– Then you can place the beans in between two plastic bags. Spread the beans wide over the bag so a thin cake is formed.

– Next you have to poke holes through the bag. Use a thick needle for this purpose, and see to it that the holes are appropriately spaced.

– You can further divide the soybeans in two bags so that a greater surface is laid out. After compressing them in the bags, check that the layer is not more than two to three centimeters.

– With this done, you have to wrap the sheets in a suitable towel which is then incubated at around 80 degree Fahrenheit. In hot and humid climate, there is no need for an incubator. However, if it is cold then you can place a small heater in a closed room to serve the purpose of an incubator.

– You can switch off the heat when condensation starts. This normally occurs with 15 hours of incubation. If you see grey spores around the holes, then consider the tempeh ready. But the process usually completes in 24 to 48 hours.
Your tempeh can be recognized by its typical nutty flavor and the firm texture of a cake. Once it has turned creamy white, the delicious tempeh is ready to be consumed. You can either refrigerate or freeze it or use it immediately for cooking in various recipes.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently spent time researching high end weighing scales for his new food market. His wife ordered a gram scale to use to weigh spices and tea in her new tea shop.

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: weighing scales,gram scale

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