Does Adult Sleepwalking Sound Funny?

Sleepwalking is quite common in kids. However, the habit usually disappears in their teen years. It is actually adult sleepwalking that is dangerous and appears comical at first sight. There have been several reported cases of sleepwalkers who find themselves in the most awkward positions or dangerous places. A commendable upsurge in this regard is that of sleep-drivers. But such cases proved to be the influence of sleep aids. Those drivers obviously needed to consult a DUI attorney or DUI lawyers for their bail. But the big problem is that of sleepwalking adults.

Several people got seriously injured or even killed while they were sleepwalking. Just image the reaction of a person who wakes up to find himself over a 130 foot construction crane. Or perhaps someone opens his eyes to find himself in an unknown and completely deserted place. This is no joke as there have been serious incidents in which sleepwalkers were faced with some real risky situations. They have been hit by cars in the middle of a busy street. At times, they are found walking in front of speeding trains. And the list goes on.

Although the sight of a sleepwalker is hilarious, many such incidents resulted in fatal accidents. There have been some records according to which sleepwalkers committed murders or other serious offences. Obviously, they were not intentional but there is no way to undo a crime.

Basically, it is a problem that arises when you are deep asleep. A sleepwalker just cannot respond during the whole event. Moreover, he/she does not remember a single thing about the incident later on. Before moving on, it needs to be emphasized that this is not a sleeping disorder. There are some genuine factors that lead to this condition.

Some environmental factors are known to cause this condition. At times, alcohol intoxication, stress or sleep deprivation can cause sleepwalking. Apart from environmental factors, some medical conditions can also lead to this problem.

Besides, this condition can easily be inherited. So in case you ever sleepwalked as a child, there are chances that your kid will be a sleepwalker too. The condition also occurs between identical twins. However, adults are more bothered by this condition.

People often ask whether the person is awake or asleep during this attack. The correct answer is a bit of both. According to some specialists, the person during sleepwalking is not completely asleep nor is he/she awake. The interesting part is that people with this problem are unaware during the attack, but can still maneuver themselves around different objects.

The good news for girls is that boys are more prone to this condition. An episode of sleepwalking starts around one and a half hour after the person has gone to sleep. The condition can persist for a few seconds, but can also last for more than half an hour. The incident of this potentially dangerous problem can be reduced by medication. However, it is important to consult a doctor for a prescription. After all, sleepwalking is a serious problem and needs to be addressed immediately.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently worked with a Cincinnati DUI attorney while conducting research for a new article. He learned quite a bit about the merits of hiring a great attorney when he spent a day with a small group of Cincinnati DUI lawyers helping to make their practices more efficient.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Cincinnati DUI attorney,Cincinnati DUI lawyers

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