What a Child Wants Before a Good Night Sleep

A lullaby is supposedly the only part of folklore that has survived to our age. This is best way to accompany kids into sweet dreams. Even in this age of technological advancements, the significance of the lullaby has not been lost. Instead, this trend is getting more popular. Some interested mothers even use soothing instrumental lullabies. For this reason they maintain their instruments such as pianoforte with grand piano covers or simply one grand piano cover to keep them protected. You may have wondered why a mother needs to sing lullabies to her kids.

The fact is that almost all small kids need lullabies. Obviously, the parents want their kids to get healthy sleep. Lullabies are a way to take them into deep sleep. In some families, a day ends only upon a lullaby. It happens to be a traditional way to end their day.

In this way, the child gets the first contact with this ritual. However, it is a mere habit rather than ritual in various other households. Different kids perceive it differently. No matter what a child thinks about it, a lullaby surely creates a good link between a child and his/her parents. Mothers are mostly the ones to get closer through this act. However, some fathers are also interested in singing lullabies to their kids.

Besides creating an eternal bond, a lullaby also relaxes a child from his/her daily worries. People tend to remember and recall the voice of their mothers even after they grow up. Mainly because those songs show pure love and are written keeping in mind the tenderness of their relationship. The melody casts spells over the child and he/she naturally drifts into sleep. The child getting accustomed to the mother’s voice gets a sense of security every time that voice rings in his/her ears. Moreover, this is the best alternative to calm a cranky child.

These days however, there are many inventions that can replace a lullaby. With singing toys, CDs and other means available, parents these days do not resort to singing lullabies possibly because they do not want their kids to get used to their fake songs. It is the love that attracts a child. No toy on earth can replace the love with which a mother sings a lullaby to her kids. Basically it is your presence that matters, not what you sing.

A toy or a TV can surely be appealing for some time but it is the presence of a living soul, especially of the mother that a child wants. The grumbling box with no feelings appears monotonous to a child.

Normally, this art is associated with the mother and rightly so. Many mothers or grandmas are known to sing it but some fathers also voice their love for their kids. Usually, men pick songs from cartoons or make their own compositions and honestly, they do a fine job.

Whether it is an infant or a grown up child, being close to you makes them feel secure. If you can also sing them a lullaby, no child can ever forget this memory.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has purchased a couple of grand piano covers online at a discount for his church. His wife ordered a grand piano cover online and was very pleased with the quality of it.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: grand piano covers,grand piano cover

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