How to Use Emotional Marketing Tactics to Get More Prospects

Why would people buy your product or service? With all the competition out there it’s a battle for sure. Here’s the bottom line: People Buy For Emotional Reasons And Justify It With Logic.

In other words – if your prospective client is not emotional about your offering – he or she might not buy. It’s a simple theory, but somewhat difficult to put into action.

You get bombarded with ads and sales pitches all day long. Sales. Specials. And with the Internet, it’s everywhere. You read the news and there are banner ads all over the place. For all kinds of products. Do they work? Do people click? Of course they do. Why?

Because something in the ad triggered some emotion. It is as simple as that. The ad might say something not so subtle as “Are You Being Sued?” If you are the viewer – and you are in fact being sued – it is almost impossible not to click. Because it’s right up your alley. “Yes, This is MY problem.” You might be thinking: “I need a fix for this problem. I’ll check it out.”

That’s rule #1. Emotional headline. Find a hurt and stir it up. Pain + your solution = customers. OR some people react better to GAIN. “Do You Want To Earn An Extra $1,000 Next Month Doing Nothing?”

Then you get the click. Now you have a visitor to your website that is “motivated”. Let’s take the lawyer ad as an example since I work with lawyers to help them increase conversion on their websites. Many law firm and other professional services firms such as accountants tend to have a home page that is all about themselves. “We have 20 lawyers qualified to help you. We have a team of assistants. We have a nice building. Our staff is highly trained. We have the latest in computers” and so on. Who cares?

Rule #2 is: Nobody cares HOW and what tools you use to do your job. Yet anyway. If you have a qualified visitor to your site – you MUST trigger serious emotions right there and then. Within 10 seconds. The way to do that is again – either stir up the hurt or create a huge WANT for something.

Then you make it so that you are the ONLY person on earth that can solve your problem.

What is one of the things people want the most – emotionally? (I know – “love” – but this is business.)

To be understood.

So on your home page – you must immediately say something that tells the visitor that you understand their problem. “Being sued can change your life – perhaps even ruin it.” Lay it on. Stir the hurt. THEN: “We understand how you feel, we can help.”

If you can convey this in the first third of the home page – you will most likely keep the visitor.

Rule #3 is this: Give them 80% of your knowledge on the subject – then charge like crazy for the other 20%.

I have a tax attorney client that gets complements all the time for his website’s to-the-point information. People want to know what happens to them when they get sued. Where do I go? What do I do? Tell them! While of course you keep explaining that unless you consult with your firm the chances of success is dismal. Be dramatic – it works.

Author Bio: Ingvar helps personal services firms get more prospects from websites.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: emotional marketing,persuasive marketing,emotional websites

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