Important Acai Berry Information: Acai Weight Loss Scam

The most important acai berry information that will help you remain healthy is that it is both a powerful antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Many people do not understand these terms, and generally belief that the health benefits of acai berry lies in its vitamin C content and its effect on weight loss.

While this is partially true, and vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, the juice also contains other phytochemicals (plant chemicals) that are even more powerful in their antioxidant properties.

However, before discussing these, let’s cut to the title of this article and consider the acai berry information available that supports the weight loss claims many people are making. As Oprah Winfrey said herself, and she is well known for promoting acai berries, she cannot support any claims made that the berry promotes weight loss, and as a chemist I also cannot see where such an idea could come about.

Sure, if you are also on a diet and are trying to lose weight, including acai berry juice or acai supplements in your diet could certainly help by providing you with very important nutrition. By supporting your immune system and your metabolism, acai berry supplements can help you burn fat quicker, but it is not a diet pill.

The most important acai berry information in that respect that might conceivably connect to weight loss is that if you are involved in strenuous exercise as part of a weight loss regime, an acai berry supplement will certainly help your recovery through its anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to that, the antioxidant properties of the acai berry will help to destroy the free radicals formed during hard exercise, because free radicals are formed during any highly aerobic activity. They are a natural by-product of cellular respiration, and acai very supplements can help to destroy free radicals as soon as they are formed so that they cannot go on to destroy your body cells and also oxidize the LDL lipoproteins that carry cholesterol round your blood stream.

This form of oxidation causes lipoproteins and cholesterol to deposit as plaques inside your artery walls and progressively block them with potentially debilitating or even fatal consequences. The resultant strokes and heart failure can be avoided if the free radicals that create the situation are destroyed at generation by means of antioxidants such as the anthocyanins and Vitamin c contained within acai berry juice.

How to Lose Weight with Acai Berry

All the acai berry information you read will focus on the above benefits. However, where the weight loss claims could come about is that the phytosterols and proteins contained within this superfood can combine to enable your body to absorb nutrition better and use it more efficiently to build muscle tissue, assuming that it is taken as part of an exercise regime.

It will boost your metabolism, but is not a diet pill as many seem to believe. If you take a moderate diet that contains fewer calories than you use in exercise, then all the acai berry information you read should make it clear that what the acai does is to support this diet by offering your body the powerful phytochemicals needed to maintain good health.

Many people suffer when they take diets or exercise due to poor nutrition, and an acai berry supplement will a help you to avoid this. It will not make you lose weight, but will enable you to balance your calorie (energy) intake with your calorie (energy) expenditure in exercise, so you use up more energy than you consume, and so you must lose weight.

The acai berry supplement will provide you with a high degree of nutrition while doing this so that you maintain a high level of energy while dieting, and build muscle tissue when you do start to eat properly rather than putting the fat back on again.

Read all the acai berry information you can, and then try it as part of a balanced diet and exercise program, but not as a diet pill, because that is not what acai berry is. It keeps you healthy while you lose weight, and helps improve your rate of burning energy and so of losing weight, but only as part of a much larger program designed to enable you to lose weight but stay healthy.

Author Bio: More Acai Berry Information and its use in weight loss programs is available from Pete’s website Slimming Tips where you will find a lot more about the importance of nutrition when losing weight.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acai berry information,acai berry,acai berries,acai,weight loss,slimming tips,health benefits acai

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